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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. I got sucked into destiny 2, and it was far easier to get into than I expected.
  2. My pharmacist says six months after last booster or infection. There's definitely no consensus, but no way am I doing every 3 months. Get it to a year, and ill keep up on boosters.
  3. Why can't it be, "Short Live Charles the 3rd." God, I hope this fool doesn't make it to 96. Glad im gonna be fishing bass for the next nine days starting tomorrow. I can miss all of the royal bs. Just stand on the bow of my Tracker casting at fish who won't bite.
  4. Odyssey was good, but its not even close to my favorite AC, and it had major progression problems (side content was necessary to level up to progress main story content, and I despise that). Personally, I think the series went downhill after the Ezio trilogy, and the last couple just didn't feel like AC to me.
  5. Best game from last gen was Witcher 3. TLOU2 comes in behind GoW and Ghost of Tsushima,with Spiderman as a close 5thth.
  6. Shares are nothing like an outright purchase. Comparing the two doesn't work (until it's a hostile takeover, but its far from that).
  7. He was also one of there Lowest rated shows, and the lowest rated host of reliable sources. Lets not pretend this wasn't coming for quite a while. There were times he pulled under 300k viewers, and rarely got over 500k.
  8. Dude,, do you not understand what s patch is? The people who reviewed it played an extremely broken game, all of them, stop pretending it didn't happen. If the publisher didn't want it judged as it was, they shouldn’t have sent it out before the patch fixed those problems. None of them are complaining about it being "woke trash", you're projecting that shit. Most of the bad reviews are from openly very left wing sites. At this point you're just ignoring the facts. It doesn't matter what the game is like now, only when it was reviewed. And left wing sites complaining about the humor aren't complaining because its "woke", but because it's poorly written. That much is obvious in every cutscene I see.
  9. I mean, I don't see how any of it is hyperbolic, or coming at it with hatred, it's just not true. It doesn't matter what you're experience is, you can't say they didn't play an extremely broken game, because almost all of them have had the same complaints. It doesn't matter if it got a day one patch that improves it, because that isn't the game that the publisher sent them. They had every right to be hard on it. Also, complaining about others characters? Really? Thats the most ridiculous complaint ive heard in all this. The last thing I care about in these games is what my character looks like. Give me default, and start the game, and when I do put time into it, iits usually to make them look ridiculous. And if its not AAA game with a AAA budget, iy shouldn't have been marketed that way for over a year now, or had a 70$ price tag attached. Pretending it's just reviewers who have disliked this is disingenuous as well. And it's ok to be "mean" about a 70$ experience. It puts a point on what thw reviewer is saying. Im sorry, but I can't name a good game reviewers have been this hard on. That leads me to believe it is middling at best. As I said, im glad you're enjoying the game, but everything I'm seeing leads me to waiting until its free or very cheap.
  10. Anyone playing this? It's free on Game pass, and it's a ton of fun. It's a top down brawler, has an interesting story, and the gameplay and character progression are excellent. I sat down to try it last night, and ended up beating the first 20 missions, out of 40 (missions are 2 to 6-7 minutes). Definitely try it if you have Game Pass and enjoy brawlers.
  11. I mean, the most "woke" gaming sites gave it horrible reviews, so I don't believe this. Blessing Jr quit playing a few hours in, SnowbikeMike gave it 2/5, those guys certainly aren't incels. VGC, PushSquare, etc, all trashed it. Also, it got killed because the version reviewers were playing was broken. After Cyberpunk, there is no way reviewers are going to be ok with, "It will be fixed for the D1P". What little reputation they have left is on the line after giving 2077 a 90 metacritic at launch. Ill play it when its on GP, because most people genuinely seem to think it's not a very good game. I just wouldn't spend 70$ on it. I'm definitely glad you guys are enjoying yourself, but personally, every cut scene ive seen looked, well, not very good, and the gameplay looks middling.
  12. I mean, you can say all of that, but Phil Spencer has said multiple times, Gamepass is the platform, not xbox, and they very much see consoles as a necessary evil. They don't care where you play, as long as it is on gamepass. Thats why Samsung TV's are going to have it built in. Obviously, cloud isn't ready for twitch shooters and other experiences which require really low latency, but theyve talked multiple times about how Cloud is the future, and while I believe there will be a mid generation refresh, I don't think we see a next xbox. The cloud service works really well for the vast majority of games. I also think MS will be market leader soon enough. Honestly, with the war chest MS has, when they started asking MS about Price increases, MS should have announced a 30$ price drop, framing it as helping gamers in a rough time, saving them enough for two months of gamepass. Of course im not a business man, I don’t know or understand MS's financial stuff, or how much they are losing, but it would have been an incredible coup de grace.
  13. I have a pro controller, so I never use the joycons unless im using handheld mode, which is rare. I have giant hands, with wide, thick thumbs, and I find the buttons on them too small and close together.
  14. Weird. I've dropped my dualsense off the arm of my gaming chair so many times, and it's been bulletproof. Both of them have been great (though my purple controller has been used far less). And while I wish it was as quick and snappy as the xbox controller, it's so much more comfortable for big hands like mine.
  15. They are the worst controller ive ever used. From comfort to build quality, they are absolute turds.
  16. I mean, I don't know anyone with broken trigger haptics, and we all use our controllers a ton.. It's also incredibly comfortable. Battery life isn't great, but im an adult, I don't game for 5 hours at a time except for once every year or so for a major release. It's by far the best controller Sony has ever made. Now, if you want an extremely fragile controller, get an Elite Series 2. Mine is garbage, and they are notoriously unreliable. Series X still has the most responsive controller, though.
  17. Sony just handing MS wins. Even though this doesn't affect the biggest market, the optics are bad, and Sony hasn't been killing it in the press.
  18. Im definitely looking forward to trying this. I doubt it'll be very popular, but I love this stuff. I wish GW would make a real 40k simulator. An AoS sim too. All rules updated as codices and rules updates came out. They could make a fortune, and probably expand the games popularity. I know tabletop simulator exists, but its not the same.
  19. No, but im playing through the Master Chief Collection for the first time. I played the original trilogy and reach at release, but never mcc.
  20. Ive beaten: Halo: Reach Halo:CE (decided I hadn't beaten it enough) Gonna hopefully finish 2 tomorrow, and 3 before the end of the month.
  21. It was such an amazing novelty on Dreamcast, but I went back and watched vids a while ago. Damn it's rough. It was definitely a product of its time.
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