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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Lol it’s hilarious some people actually think Biden is creating his own tweets. I wonder how many people don’t realize that most Social Media of politicians is done by paid teams/aides, and not the candidates?
  2. What people will tell a pollster a nd what they actually believe are different. It’s a team sport, and all they care about is their team looking better than the other.
  3. Yes, it’s fantastic. Im definitely going to replay the game and the DLC before this launches. Definitely my most anticipated game.
  4. Im good. I have a 14 Pro Max currently, and the only thing I really care about is USBC.
  5. She isn’t making any plays. She filucked up, had her hands slapped, and won’t do it again. hell, I believe she was even assigned a “mentor” justice to keep her from screwing up, but I could have misunderstood that.
  6. I mean, there absolutely will not be 4 trials before the election. At best you get two (NYC Bragg, and the documents case).
  7. Gaetz won’t be speaker though. There’s no way he gets the votes for that as things stand, unless some dems want to support some real chaos? MTG was bragging she tried to impeach first, so maybe she wants it? Lol
  8. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Release Date Trailer | September State of Play - IGN WWW.IGN.COM Check out a new extended look to Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the reboot of the classic RPG. Check out new areas like Costa Del Sol and the Gold Saucer, new story threads, and the... the new trailer is incredible.
  9. Prove it? Where’s his arrests and criminal record? this is nonsense based on the wants of some on the left. After recent rulings, this whole case has shaky legal grounds to begin with though.
  10. Same. Slaughtered the robbers in a kill lane coming out the back entrance. The prisoners were easily saved though, they were in the basement vault. which then led into the main quest with Sam. I didn’t get to play the last two days, was getting in some trout fly fishing before the season closed last night, so tonight im diving back in. my Vanguard quest is bugged, so if I can’t complete that, I don’t know where to go next. Maybe finish Ryujin Industries quest.
  11. But she looks pretty good falling out of it, so im fine with that. Its sad she’s so crazy, because damn!
  12. “Long Covid” definitely seems to be greatly over-reported. Theres no world where it’s 20%, or 10, or even close to that. the long term damage seems to be lung damage from the original virus, pre vaccination and mutations, usually with people who were smokers, advanced age, etc. it’s obviously only anecdotal, but the 2 people I know claiming to have “long covid” are EXACTLY the two you’d expect to make such a claim. Everyone else had a bad cold/mild flu at worst, and was fine a few days later. Some lost taste for a few weeks. Nobody except the two above, who are obese and have never been active, has claimed of lasting problems. I realize it’s anecdotal, but nobody I know is seeing any rising amount of “covid injured” populace, and almost everyone has had it.
  13. I really didn’t like him at first. By the end of his journey, he was one of my favorite characters. this game has the perfect amount of cheese for a jrpg. (late game spoilers)
  14. I beat this today. I thought it was a little over rated. Certainly it’s not as good as Chained Echoes, which has similar inspirations, but it’s still a good game I had a lot of fun with. it does some things really well. A single party level. KO’s waking with half hp after a set amount of turns, simple stuff. I beat both of the major side bosses, both harder versions of previous bosses. They were challenging, but nothing insane. Both used every item I had (max 10). I love the character swaps in combat. Haven’t seen that in a while. Definitely worth your time if you like classic jrpg styled games.
  15. Not bad faith enough to run off SBFilms with obviously ridiculously charged lies about his motives, I guess 🤷‍♂️
  16. I’ve seen season one, it’s no loss. These are so far from the books, it just isn’t worth it.
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