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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Oh, so you decide jurisdiction? A country under invasion asked for help and deserves it, period. No other answer is necessary.
  2. You don't have a question. You have babbling nonsense, pretending to answer and ask questions refusing to actually just make your point/actuallyaskingquestions. You type a lot while saying nothing. Are you a Russian upset we won't allow world powers to destroy other countries? Because it’s disgusting to pretend America should do nothing for Ukraine. You don't like war, so we should let Russia steamroll the east to remain pacifist? It's complete nonsense, like the people who argued against fighting the Nazi Army. Theres no problem with your writing, it's your insistence that Ukraine should be left to fend for themselves that is ridiculous.
  3. I love beakies so much. I want some beak helmets for my primaris models. I got my Age of Darkness set, but haven't opened it yet. Still building chaos knights.
  4. I only watched the first episode, but it felt.... long. Really long. A lot of it just felt off.
  5. A local wargamer I play with took this vid last night when we were playing together, and he posted it on twitter. I'm Splinter. The game definitely has bugs. Ive only gotten through Arcade once, because bugs keep screwing up the game.
  6. This looks so good. Sad about 2023, but excited. Has anyone played Regalia? I see it often, but nobody ever mentions it.
  7. I think showing off red hood at first was a mistake, because he still looks horrible to play. Guns in a "batman" game.
  8. Yeah, well, Cyberpunk came out, and we'd rather just wait till games are done now. Also, how can you know how far along it should be when you don't even know what it is? You're making assumptions and pretending they're fact.
  9. Shredders Revenge, Streets of Rage 4, Tetris Effect and Lumines. 2 of my favorite less popular genres.
  10. I have 5 characters at level 10. Just raph (lvl4) and Splinter (Ive been using him in arcade, but not in story so far). I absolutely love this game. Even finally nailed the 250 hit combo tonight for that absurd trophy. Also re-downloaded SoR4 and played through it with my son. I love beat em ups so much. Are there any good Beat Em Ups besides this, SoR, and River City Girls that are more recent? Ive been Eying Asterix and Oberix: Slap them All, but I don't know its quite the same.
  11. But don't you see, they are so power hungry that they fight over zion itself. They just need to control everything. /S
  12. Honestly, the Matrix demo felt weird and fake. Like uncanny valley, but for the world instead of faces. Don't get me wrong, it was incredibly impressive, but it felt oddly strange to play.
  13. Individual trees being scarred and growing with those scars, npc's growing with and having a different unique relationship with each pc you play. NPC'S learning . Theres a bunch of wildly speculative stuff that just can't be done.
  14. I mean, why? We already know what happens when people make deadlines. You get Fallout 76 or Cyberpunk. They shouldn't do that, at all.
  15. No game we've ever seen can honor that. It was truly still beyond our capabilities
  16. The democrats won't prosecute actual crimes because they are afraid of being charged with hypothetical fake ones if they lose, and they seem to prefer propriety to winning.
  17. Also true, and I should have picked up on it, because it's exactly what my grandfather would say.
  18. Every cop who was there should be fired. It seems there is no charges that can be laid (from what ive heard lawyers say), so at least name, shame, and fire every cop that was there.
  19. But guns aren't going anywhere, and any assertion otherwise is is wrong. There's nothing wrong with making schools more secure, but those schools also needs to train everyone on their policies. If people are just not locking doors or letting others into buildings unchecked, then the problem is training and that can be fixed. If everyone understands that nobody can enter the school anywhere but the front, nobody will, but that requires training. If a cook ir whatever, as SimpleG said, is just leaving people in, then theres obviously a policy problem. We're very good at securing other buildings when we want to, there is no reason we shouldn't secure schools. "Get rid of guns" is just a non starter. It's not going to happen.
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