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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. Got mine yesterday. The controller is way more comfortable than I thought, though, I haven’t actually played a game with it, just fiddled around with it. Chromecast is an absolute shit streaming box. WTF, why is it like this and not just a normal friggen Android box? Awful. For free, I can’t complain, but, yeesh. Anyway, time to cancel!
  2. That data (regarding containment measures working) was already known from months ago. This analysis is just confirming that the measures still work... and why wouldn’t they?
  3. I guess? It’s like saying “wearing a jacket helps keep you warm”. Maybe I’d find it more important if I thought this would change a single “reopen-mah-state” chud’s mind, and if the people who’ll believe the article weren’t those who already knew this information. I’ll admit, I’m being super pessimistic, though
  4. The GOP splitting would be a god damned dream. However, just like when everyone thought a split was going to happen when the Tea Party rose to prominence, a “MAGA Party” will just become the GOP.
  5. That must be it then. Weird because I never enabled that setting on my One or One X and it definitely auto installed (as I would do what I described with all my previous GameFly rentals and it would just start installing) - so maybe default for the One/X was “auto play” and the default for the XSX is that it’s off?
  6. See How Coronavirus Restrictions Compare to Case Counts in Every State - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM Using an index that tracks policy responses to the pandemic, The Times analyzed outbreaks in each state relative to the state’s most recent containment measures. Wonderful reporting NYT! In other news, water is wet.
  7. These isle-crossing GOP members tend to only do so when they know that their vote won’t actually affect the outcome, and so they can use said vote as a political prop for their next reelection campaign.
  8. PSA regarding physical games: With the One/OneX, when you put a (new) game disc in the optical drive, it would start installing automatically. I finally got my GameFly copy of Valhalla yesterday, popped the disc in and figured I’d do other stuff for 20-30 minutes and then the game would be ready to go... unfortunately, upon switching the TV input over, I saw that it didn’t automatically start installing like on the previous consoles: instead, it didn’t start until I selected it from the home screen menu. However! One plus that’s seemingly different; it simultaneously took game data off of the disc AND downloaded game data to shorten the install/dl time significantly - it was 100% done in under 10 minutes.
  9. In NJ, schools don’t have to inform families that they may have been exposed to COVID if the infected child wasn’t physically there ~72 hours before testing positive. I know this because my friend, her husband, and son all got it (the husband had a 102-105 fever for 11 straight days), when the tests came back positive on a Monday morning, she called the middle-school to let them know, and because he wasn’t there since Thursday they told my friend “oh, good, we don’t need to make an announcement then”. When my friend questioned this, the school said they’re just following state-health guidelines.
  10. The HDR thing is weird because Ubi games typically have the best HDR implementation from what I’ve seen on PC. Both FC5 and AC: Odyssey are some of the better looking games, in terms of HDR, on my monitor. Figured on consoles it would definitely be good to go.
  11. Is HDR kinda dark/washed out for anyone else? Playing on XSX. I shut off HDR via the console settings and it looks A LOT better with it off, way brighter and the colors are more vibrant.
  12. Ok Thanks for the reply, and don't worry, I promise to keep helping even though you don't appreciate direct information
  13. It's very old, I told you as much, for some reason you're being dismissive of every post because of the FOMO YouTuber when I've only been trying to help, but for some reason you're taking it me "challenging you" or some weird thing Also, I did read the last two pages of the thread, unless I missed it the only people commenting regarding this own a 3080. GSync only affects nVidia GPUs, to go above 60hz on a 4k TV you need a 3xxx series card. Lastly, I know you own a "gaming PC", that's not what I stated/asked. Consoles don't use GSync.
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