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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. *unmarked spoilers, it’s been a week, if you’re in this thread and not up to date to where you’d be mad about spoilers… I don’t know what to tell you * Great season, however I also feel it may be the weakest despite it still being great. Most of it felt like a bridge to the next season, which is why I was surprised it actually potentially ended the Terry Silver arc. I was also surprised they were able to bring Barns back: I wonder why his fight scenes were so short, though? IIRC the actor was actually a professional martial artist - maybe injuries from over the years or lack of prep time for longer fight scenes? Either way, it’d be neat to see if he starts a dojo or is at least back for next season. I wonder if they’ll bring characters from The Next Karate Kid in for (potentially) the final season? The show runners have stated that they want “at least” 6 seasons, but I think next season with that world tournament would be a logical end-point for the main series (I believe Netflix said they want spin-offs and to create a “universe”)
  2. I don’t believe either Tom or Ungoliant is a Maiar. They’re simply too powerful, especially Tom in regards to the ring. I also believe Gandalf would be able to recognize Tom as a Maiar/Istari if he were one. There’s no direct origin mention for either, but the popular theory of them being primordial forces who took shape as a kind-of “side effect” when Eru Illuvatar created the world, to me, kind of makes the most sense given each’s strength.
  3. Kremlin TV Airs Call for Russia to Admit ‘Serious Defeat’ WWW.MSN.COM Brutal realizations have been raining upon the Kremlin’s top propagandists—and when it rains, it pours. The same pundits who used to threaten NATO countries...
  4. I’m 90% sure I read a couple years ago that the show is planned as 6 seasons
  5. I remember that you can play it without a gameboy cartridge, but, iirc, the Pokemon selection without a gb cart was super limited.
  6. The wizards are essentially angels given corporeal form and disguised as human-like beings. They’re falling from ethereal world/essentially heaven.
  7. Yes, this show takes place during the time the rings were forged. The project Elrond went to the dwarves about was building the forge. We’ve all been debating on which wizard fell from the sky, but probably one of the blue wizards or possibly Gandalf if the show runners are trying to get a known/loved character in there for movie fans.
  8. My 74 year old father has somehow not gotten a single side from any of the shots or boosters besides a sore arm. Me and my fiancee, on the other hand, my joints ache for 1-2 days, my fiancee breaks into a fever each time (with the boosters it's just like half a day, but the initial vaccination lasted for about 3 days).
  9. Aren't the Pokemon Stadium games kinda useless without the Gameboy adapter thing that let you load your pokemon from saves?
  10. Yea, there's no exact explanation for Bombadil especially. What I posted is the most commonly held belief of his origin. Some seem to think he could be a Valar, but the ones to choose from don't make sense and it's believed that Gandalf would be able to recognize him, other even believe that he's Eru Illuvatar himself, however, it was stated that if Sauron regained his ring and won that even Bombadil would eventually succumb, so if he were Eru Illuvatar that wouldn't be possible.
  11. I’m engaged and getting married next month. Seriously, though, I just enjoy the world of ME/LotR. I haven’t really looked at it in over 15 years, but this show reignited my interest so I dove back in
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