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Everything posted by Slug

  1. https://www.nj.com/marijuana/2019/03/final-legal-weed-deal-reached-murphy-top-dems-resolve-final-sticking-point-and-could-hold-big-vote-soon.html Will become the second state to legalize via the legislative process (versus a ballot measure). I'm of two minds on this. On one hand I think weed should be legal. On the other hand I don't trust NJ to do it right.
  2. And old offensive term for a mixed race person (usually black & white).
  3. They should've stuck with the naming convention and named the mustard one, "MAYOTARD".
  4. I'm probably going to end up having to buy 2 copies of this. My son wants to play on PC, I want to play on PS4.
  5. The medium has apparently mattered for the last however many years. They weren't giving Oscars to made for TV movies up to now; there's an Emmy for those. So what makes Netflix the exception? Popularity?
  6. I did when I first setup the game, but I haven't really fiddled with it. I'll give it some tweaking and see what I can improve.
  7. All them cool plays. Meanwhile, Slug still can't hit the broadside of a barn. I'm at a 1:12 Kill-to-MATCH ratio. :P
  8. I am currently playing the beta on PC. I'll probably end up getting this for whichever platform the most friends getting it are on.
  9. To this day I can't get over how mad people get losing at video games. Just another reason I hate being forced to squad with randos. Screw that guy.
  10. I am not, but I kinda want that mini.
  11. I'm down for The Witness. Looks fun. Kinda wish it was on a portable platform, but still. I'm in.
  12. That is actually really interesting. But while it may not be helping matters, I'm pretty sure the core of my badness isn't related to my bigness. :P
  13. Weapons, I just use whatever the first 2 weapons I find are, for the most part. I don't really have a preference because I'm never alive long enough once shooting starts to know if I like or dislike a certain one. I never get to use any weapon for more than a few seconds per match before I'm eating dirt so, yeah. Character-wise, I use Caustic mostly. I like his theme more than the others. I like playing villain characters in games. If I'm not him I'm Bangalore or Lifeline depending on what the rest of the squad picks.
  14. I still suck at this game. I'm still just not "getting" combat. It's not the game; I'm very clearly just bad. But it's frustrating. The damage numbers aren't clearly denoting what's happening. The various armor-levels make figuring out how damaged an opponent really is unintuitive. I sneak up and unload a magazine into someone's back and they turn around nonchalantly and kill me in a few quick shots. Every time. Is it like Counter Strike where nothing but headshots really matter? I don't know. I can hide and make it into the top squads; so I'm placing and advancing, but when an actual fight happens I'm dead weight. I've stopped playing because it's not fair to make whatever randos get paired up with me basically have to 2v3 everyone because I'm functionally useless once shit goes down. I don't mind being bad at a game, but I can't stand when my badness affects others' enjoyment. I'll be back when solo mode is released; I'll still be terrible, but at least I won't be afflicting innocent bystanders with my shit play.
  15. Just gonna necro this thread right here. I just finished beating what is available of Hades right now and holy shit was it really really fun. I'm actually bummed that the game isn't complete yet because I want to keep going. It's well written, decently voice acted, the combat is satisfying and the variety of weapons, buffs, boons and abilities you can get make each run unique. I ran into a few bugs (early access and all I guess), but it was smooth as silk for the most part. I wish I had waited for the game to be out of early access, only because now I'm at the "end" of the game and have to wait for content updates to get the next level(s) of the game. Anyway, super fun. Can't wait for more.
  16. So does this basically require friends for most things? Or is it like Destiny in that 90% of the stuff you can solo but if you wanna raid you need a group?
  17. Tonight I'll be trying to finish off Low Rank in Monster Hunter Gen U on Switch. I'll play some Fortnite if my son happens to be on. And that is all if I can't get a couple people over to my house to play Blood Rage (Blood Rage might happen tomorrow night..it's up in the air).
  18. On one hand, I really really want to watch this show. On the other hand, I really really don't want to have to subscribe to yet another streaming service. There's like 1, maybe 2 shows on each streaming service I'm interested in. If I got them all it'd be more than a basic cable TV bill.
  19. Mother fucking Anor Londo those goddamn knights had aim hax. Also those toxic dart jerks in Blight Town.
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