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Commodore D

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Everything posted by Commodore D

  1. I wouldn’t disagree with that. I thought the $5k a year was decent money for coaching (most schools don’t pay that for volleyball, but she was at an expensive school), but as a new mom I understood my wife deciding to stop.
  2. That is true, wife coach volleyball for five years; she decided the extra $5k wasn’t worth it.
  3. Haven't seen my wife grade a paper in like two years, but their last contract gave them two hours built into their day for, I forget what they call it. She uses that time to grade and lesson plan.
  4. What teachers have ten hours days? 6.5 here, and that isn't even instructional time. Wife complains about it all the time, she has about three and half hours of actual teaching time between all the "programs" that have been instituted to "help" the kids.
  5. I didn't make the argument, Mr. Gates did (probably with a wink). Also, my arguments are always made in good faith, and on the rare occasion they are ill informed, I at least admit the short coming. Man don't undersell the board, there is potential here.
  6. You don’t get to his level without counting every bean, and if someone is talking about taking 94% of those beans (using his numbers), you’d definitely check your beans twice. When guys like him and Buffet talk about they should pay more in taxes, I don’t believe them, the IRS takes donations, so they are free to do so. I’d prefer they do that, because anything tax law that starts at the top will trickle down to the rest with greater impact.
  7. Starcraft fan here, and I played mad hours of Starcraft 64. My buddy and I did plenty of 20 hour sessions as kids. Yes, we played on PC at that time as well.
  8. Did you buy a Microsoft Band 2? It was all of that, most stuff is just now catching up. I would have like to see a third version.
  9. I didn't. Went to my Open Table meeting and played basketball instead. There wasn't really anything for my city other then the council chairs and I know and like everyone running. Within my county though there was the vote to increase funding for the local community college, and I am glad to see it is passing. Its fairly large and a good portion of people end of with quality jobs with little debt.
  10. Good for picking up rental properties. Sure it will have a high interest rate, but if you pick up something you pay back in a year, go for it.
  11. I don’t think I have ever seen that picture. Message boards: here and gamespot (both left leaning). Edit: I use to mess with godlikeproductions, but their racism stopped being funny and original. No social media.
  12. I guess man. Just how I’ve seen it. Message boards, and news article comments are where I see it. I don’t really internet other than that, so really I don’t come across many conservative posters. Edit: not saying it doesn’t happen the other way.
  13. Would have never known it was a “right winger” thing. Have pretty much only seen it used against conservative people on message boards.
  14. That, maybe they give half, but that would just be to get/ keep talented people. Also, people don’t know what their total compensation? They don’t see what their employer pays into health care every month? Maybe that information is just readily available to me.
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