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Commodore D

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Everything posted by Commodore D

  1. What do you mean by doesn't accept? My rental properties are/ were on the Sec 8 listings, and I interviewed about 40 Sec 8 applicants, but found some better fits (husband, wife, small kids already in the school system) that didn't need Sec 8. To me, that would classify accepting Sec 8, but that isn't that isn't the gist I'm getting from you (I could be totally wrong). In which case, you would be saying renting to = accepting, which would be totally unfair.
  2. The Farm Bill was the first major step. Thanks bipartisan congress and Trump.
  3. Am I understanding this correctly; the $~76B in tax cuts are for people who rent to low income individuals? If so, she'd be my Ohio primary vote, and possible GE vote. I picked up a couple rental properties in the past six month, and Sec 8 will pay ~$1300 (which I currently get anyway) a month for four bedroom houses. While they aren't currently rented to low income people, I'd definitely be more willing for my next couple properties (or these if the people did not stay).
  4. Because its not how the USA works anymore, which is how Trump became President. Not the President they needed (though in 20/30 years, I think thoughts might change on that), but the President they deserve.
  5. The mental gymnastics you all do to make someone a villain while also while also being vulgar and celebrating violent thoughts is hilarious. You all either had to be the biggest bullies in school or the biggest targets of bullying, either way the lasting effects are truly sad.
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