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GPU Historian
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Everything posted by Reputator

  1. There's at least one other image circulating without the license plate obscured. That's a good way of getting on the FBI's naughty list.
  2. I haven't played the game since Cataclysm. I never really got hooked, but my best friend did, and would often try to get me to come back. Wrath of the Lich King was when I enjoyed it the most, and was probably my longest stint. Before I met my wife, she was super addicted to the game, and refuses to play it now. She says she lost a few years of her life to the game, heh.
  3. Might actually be a feature depending on the person. But I've seen people linking to threads here talking about politics.
  4. Actually Republicans would prefer to talk about the border crisis, and Bidenflation, so by pulling the attention towards abortion, which both parties know is a losing issue for the GOP, they pretty much ARE steering the conversion
  5. A very cool and very legal way to make a massive campaign donation.
  6. Almond milk creamer. It irritates something in my bowels and a LOT of shit comes out.
  7. I just watched a clip of this. That was a brilliant headgame he played against them. They're like those dogs on either side of a fence barking and making threats, but as soon as the fence is opened they don't want to go near each other. It's all talk, it's all performative. What's funnier is if they called it now, it would be obvious they were goaded into it.
  8. True. What do they call the trope in comic books? Fridging or something? It's a thing, and it's been long identified as a sexist issue.
  9. Yeah no one talks about his ridiculous tariffs on China that he did. He was raising prices on goods before COVID, with no actual plan or objective behind it. But you know, 10 second memory on all that. Only Biden's 'shrinkflation' matters now.
  10. But... that is the play. That's their entire game right there.
  11. This would mean hiring more employees or cutting operating hours. Let's watch as companies line up to implement this.
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