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Everything posted by Reputator

  1. Jesus is someone tapping their phone lines? That's some really detailed insight.
  2. So evidently Mr. Beast gave it a shot... Mr. Beast Posts Video On X, Streams In $250,000 TECHREPORT.COM Mr. Beast has earned a sum of $250,000 in the form of ad revenues from the video he posted on X. Here's more about it. So best case scenario, he's not making back the millions it costs to make his videos.
  3. Considering the millions of office chairs that businesses go through every year, and how infrequently this happens, I think you can rest easy on the sheer improbability of this.
  4. At least those officials can go to bed every night (in their homes that they own) satisfied at a job well done.
  5. Yup. Same here. Where we are now, because we rent from a private renter we can never move because what we get for $1235 would easily cost $2k+ anywhere else in Orlando. Year before last my wife was finally able to ditch her beater car and now we both have decent running vehicles for the first time in our marriage. I cashed out some retirement to be able to get it, and pay off some debt, but the debt has only come back. We've slowly managed to get to a point where all our major needs are taken care of and we both have stable careers, but it's been a long road and it will be a longer road yet if we ever want to own our own place. Kids are financially out of the question but we also don't really want any.
  6. I read that yesterday. I was tempted to post it in the WSJ thread about American optimism as a counterpoint. Actually I'm not sure why I didn't. But yeah seems like millenials have spent basically the entirety of their adult years so far unlearning the wisdom of their parents. What was once unequivocal ground truth about how to live has collasped and been swept away by runaway socioeconomic inequality. Older people in our family literally don't understand how we're always broke and we can't put any money away for emergencies or expensive purchases. In the early 80s my parents had jobs straight out of college and immediately moved into a house in their mid-20s as soon as they were married. But then they couldn't afford to put my sister and I through college, and even after explaining how so many college educated people I know can't get jobs in their field and are saddled with a mountain of debt, my mom has still always felt like I should get a degree because that will magically solve all our money problems. She just can't let go of that idea.
  7. People are way too hard on Trump. It was probably just from the red Crayola marker that he used for his coloring book.
  8. OK well this was on my YouTube home page so I didn't have to look it up. meidastouch.com WWW.MEIDASTOUCH.COM Fox Hosts Baffled By The Stock Market Breaking Records, Try to Credit Trump They are scratching their heads on the economy over at Fox Kudlow: "Donald Trump has said several times in the last few days the stock market is rallying because it's anticipating he will return to the presidency."
  9. I'm pretty sure Trump & Co have been saying that but I'll be damned if I'm gonna look that up. That's @ort's job.
  10. Nothing galvanizes the left quite like 15 week abortion bans.
  11. Hot take: Ubisoft isn't wrong here. We're going to have to get used to it because that's the trend. Buy a game, watch as the server it relied on closed down, or the digital distribution rights of the platform expired and it disappears from your library. Get used it, because that's already the reality.
  12. It could be, or that could be copium. But the warnings issued against Trump in 2020 that no President with approval ratings that low has ever won re-election still haunt me.
  13. Biden isn't going to have an easy time either way with the way his approval numbers keep dropping. He's lower at this point than any President in the last 70+ years. How Popular Is Joe Biden? | FiveThirtyEight PROJECTS.FIVETHIRTYEIGHT.COM Latest polls on President Joe Biden’s approval ratings
  14. I use ublock origin but I leave it turned off on YouTube and I haven't had issues.
  15. I do recall the FW900 being heralded as a mythical legend, but I don't think there were many, if any others at its level.
  16. Yeah they definitely all had greyish blacks. I guess some super duper expensive and very late production ones had good blacks "for a CRT".
  17. If you're not searing your retinas, do you really own a modern TV?
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