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GPU Historian
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Everything posted by Reputator

  1. Your standards for "obsessed" are really low if three posts in one thread means obsession to you.
  2. Oh, this is RICH. And DeSantis is spending millions of Florida taxpayer dollars to fight it. Fuck that clown.
  3. They tied several story elements together with this one and it was definitely a good episode.
  4. This is absolutely gorgeous. No, I'm not new to Wes Anderson films, but this in particular, the color pallet, set designs, and costumes, is just immensely pleasurable to look at. That and the interesting premise make this a must-watch for me. If I don't watch it it's only because I forgot it existed.
  5. They made cards specifically for crypto which had I think one display out on the back, but it was a non-starter because miners wanted to be able to hawk their used stuff back on the secondary market and crypto-specific cards are pretty much useless for anything else. Arguably that's not "chasing" so much as it is just reacting to the market, and they claimed it was to try and preserve the gaming cards for gamers. But at best it had no effect and at worst it exasperated the chip shortage problems.
  6. Yeah good point. A lot of people try to push their second-hand offense on behalf of a group they're not even a part of.
  7. This is the slippery slope I was talking about earlier. I'm not going to argue whether or not what you say is the right thing to do, but I will say those who decide its offensive will have a pretty hopeless battle trying to convince the world they can't use expressions from non-whites. I guess it could happen for a different reason, like the use of GIFs in general dropping in popularity.
  8. I will say, unless you force users such as in this community to disclose their race, it's hard to know if they're engaging in "digital blackface." The safer notion is to block all stereotypical gifs. Though how to even define that is....still not perfect.
  9. The negligent and unheroic Jeremy Renner is friggin walking with his own legs. Jeremy Renner posts a video of him walking again after his snow plow accident WWW.NPR.ORG Actor Jeremy Renner was helping a family member retrieve their vehicle from the snow when the accident occurred on New Year's Day. According to the video clip, the treadmill contraption he's using is only putting 40% of his weight on his legs, allowing a gradual recovery of his strength. Very impressive nonetheless.
  10. I don't think anyone here uses gifs for any reason other than it fits the idea they're trying to express. But I can see people arguing that it's too hard to tell if a particular gif is fitting because it's an X-race that expressed it uniquely, and if the person using the gif wasn't the same race, then that's automatically racist. Which seems like a dangerous slippery slope.
  11. I mean, none of the other episodes in the whole series have been as tangential* as S3E3. *barring further elaboration that might tie it all together in the end
  12. Maybe it's no coincidence that the term for someone with a criminal history or tendencies is called a "bad actor".
  13. And again, as pointed out a couple times by others, this isn't a long-running series with dozens of episodes in a season. They don't have a lot of time to get the show back on track if it loses focus, and a "wasted" episode matters a lot more if there's only eight.
  14. man, I tried, but I couldn't ever get myself to like whiskey
  15. I'm up at 6 AM because of work. I need you to go back to bed so I can sleep vicariously through you.
  16. I did read the article, and she claims to have been fired for "refusing to do something reprehensible". It's not clear what that is, and the author of the articles goes onto speculate what the factors might be, including issues related to VFX schedules and cost. So it's not actually clear what the real reason is.
  17. This is the first season where we don't have a driving objective behind the story. "Save Grogu", "Get Grogu to a Jedi", etc. Now it's.... they might try to retake Mandalore? Maybe? I mean that was mentioned in the last season but they sorta stopped talking about it. We don't really know what it's about yet, and I think that's stealing some of the momentum. This season seems to be a moment-to-moment adventure romp so far.
  18. holy shit I didn't realize who that was til I looked him up What an arc his life took! That's pretty cool!
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