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GPU Historian
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Everything posted by Reputator

  1. Yeah I wonder if they take into account videos still getting active views and comments. I'll have to backup videos on my late father's YouTube channel of him playing music at folk festivals.
  2. Our resident trailer posting bot is now posting AI generated trailers. Maybe it's a favor, robot to robot.
  3. Didn't think I'd see an audiophile term like 'soundstage' in a 2D cartoon review, but I like it. Looks great from the trailer.
  4. Winning the Presidency is a popularity contest. Pure and simple. Why did Trump win the nomination over other GOP members, when their viewpoints weren't that different? Trump could command attention. He was better at the popularity game. It's hardly your policies that get you elected. And by giving Trump attention you help him win by exactly the means that won him his first term.
  5. Look, all I see is a dangerous attention seeker being fed attention. Maybe "deplatforming" him won't make him go away, but CNN didn't need to air it, give him an extremely agreeable audience, and further damage themselves for the sake of discrediting him. He was already discredited, his views have already been aired. It helps no one but Trump to signal boost it.
  6. Analysis: CNN faces harsh criticism after Trump unleashed a firehose of lies during its live town hall | CNN Business WWW.CNN.COM It's hard to see how America was served by the spectacle of lies that aired on CNN Wednesday evening. Here's an editorial on CNN's website about how CNN royally fucked up. Having it both ways x100000000
  7. I refused to watch any part of this shitshow, yet somehow I still caught wind of this disaster. I really hope advertisers pull out of CNN over this.
  8. I guess it depends on how much they raise the price for me. We do use Disney+ and Hulu (which we're borrowing) a lot.
  9. If he's able to post videos without having to be beholden to ad revenue, that should scare anyone. He was literally fired for making white supremacy texts in private, and now he has no reason to keep that private anymore.
  10. You hear about the original planned ending? It was considerably darker.
  11. Alright, that dispels most of my outrage over this issue. There's certainly other, bigger, worse and more pressing matters in Florida to fill up my mental and emotional bucket past full.
  12. If they're not fact-checking him in real-time it will only serve to amplify misinformation and inflict harm on public discourse.
  13. Wow clearly you haven't seen the magnificent hilltop views those Roman folks with their giant villas got to enjoy.
  14. In recent months I discovered and subsequently binged Time Team, which spends many of their episodes delving into the Roman occupation of Britain. It was a great 90s/early 00s show, and a bunch of it is on YouTube.
  15. I'm not even at the level of an armchair lawyer, but I feel like they have a pretty good free speech angle that should make any legitimate judge stop and give consideration. And the agreement Disney's outgoing board made before the Tourism Oversite Committee took over doesn't seem as easy to nullify as DeSantis would like to think.
  16. I think the Presidential debates are done. Trump only did, what was it...two of them against Biden? And maybe they move the needle, maybe they don't, but they're such an embarrassment to the country that I really hope they don't put on another one of those circuses.
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