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Everything posted by Reputator

  1. If the jury consists of a bunch of Jim Jordans then he has a pretty good shot
  2. Galaga Not kidding. This is really where it began, and honing your skills in this game helps you play newer shmups from the 90s+. A more direct predecessor is Xevious. Simplistic due to its age, but helpful if you're new.
  3. "They'll die when they're dead." Well if that isn't an action movie tagline, then I don't know.
  4. That wasn't the only ass around those documents lacking sufficient clearance!
  5. At least he kept the area around the toilet clear. You know, so you can still use it. That also means there is a not-zero percent chance there's piss splash on those boxes.
  6. Hilarious, right? Well except for the whole threat to national security thing.
  7. Documents in the bathroom? Did he just have fuckin top secret classified documents sitting in a magazine rack like it's light reading material for the john? Un-fucking-real
  8. Man that last one was particularly off-the-wall batshit crazy. He's done far more than profit off of conspiracies, he's actively writing them.
  9. I think being boring could be an advantage. Trump and DeSantis have a lot of issues Biden could latch onto, but Pence is SO PLAIN that he's kinda hard to pick apart. The only stumbling that really hurt him in the VP debates was a damn fly landing on his head.
  10. Did anyone catch the Pence town hall? I watched a bit of it. He relies on the standard series of lies about the Obama and Biden administrations, but he is able to speak clearly and articulately, and talk frankly about Trump and Putin. He also doesn't have a combative and divisive demeanor, so I think if the GOP was smart, he'd be the safest nominee, but of course they won't pick him. I mean he's still a gun-hugging, Bible-thumping standard issue Republican, and would be terrible for the country, but he's at least not as unhinged as the others. More like the old Republican party prior to Trump.
  11. This is very much par for the course for them. I half expect in a few years to see stogies in Pinocchio turned into lollipops.
  12. I don't understand them either. Well, French gay people. No idea what they're saying.
  13. I know The Last Ronin has been a huge hit for them (and they're currently doing the prequel series) but other than that I don't know what else they have going for them.
  14. Sure it's easy to get up and walk away when much younger men lift you! I could have said Biden needs young men to get it up but I didn't.
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