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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. You really don't have to be rich to play, obviously your area matters, but in upstate NY theres lots of farm courses where you can play for 20 bucks for 18 and a cart. I can only do it a few times a year though cause its really not that fun, lol.
  2. I'm pretty sure people go less often, i know i don't really go anymore, it seems they're breaking records because of the global market for movies has expanded exponentially.
  3. Don't worry no deal is happening, he wants this, tweeted out theres no rush to make a deal this morning.
  4. I'm sure Climate is going to come up multiple times in the debates, and easily see Warren going pretty hard on the issue.
  5. And shes not even the most racist person in charge! https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/05/08/mayor-reportedly-said-her-city-isnt-ready-black-leader-council-member-went-further/?fbclid=IwAR3abauYa_CtgJ-UEq_7GWFeUQTVrBuGYek_YVBKLf4WOJOdwmng16xJQic&utm_term=.fe74c1f453bb a tenuous situation exacerbated by longtime city councilman Jim Cleveland, who defended the mayor. “I understand Theresa saying that, simply because we’re not Atlanta. Things are different here than they are 50 miles down the road,” he told the AJC. “I don’t know how they would take it if we selected a black administrator. She might have been right,” he added. Then, he delivered an unprompted declamation on interracial marriage, which he said makes his “blood boil.” “I’m a Christian and my Christian beliefs are you don’t do interracial marriage. That’s the way I was brought up and that’s the way I believe,” he said. “I have black friends, I hired black people. But when it comes to all this stuff you see on TV, when you see blacks and whites together, it makes my blood boil because that’s just not the way a Christian is supposed to live.” While the mayor denies she discriminated against Henry, Powers and Cleveland told the newspaper she issued a tearful apology for her comments during a March 12 executive session. Council members said the mayor claimed she was “looking out” for Henry because the city has a small minority population. Henry, who withdrew his application for unrelated reasons, told the newspaper he didn’t sense any bias while interviewing with Kenerly over the phone. As a minority, he said, discrimination “comes with the territory.”
  6. It literally is just Trump going from con to con when it stops working, and relied on his father to keep living his life style as he lost hundreds of millions of dollars.
  7. He lost a lot of money, and everything he did lost money. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/05/07/us/politics/donald-trump-taxes.html The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade. In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 — more than $250 million each year — were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years. In contrast to his father’s stable and profitable empire of rental apartments in Brooklyn and Queens, Mr. Trump’s primary sources of income changed year after year, from big stock earnings, to a single year of more than $67.1 million in salary, to a mysterious $52.9 million windfall in interest income. But always, those gains were overwhelmed by losses on his casinos and other projects.
  8. With no dragon, assaulting an equal or even greater force, at a fortified location, sure.
  9. Its just all super rushed, and weird, Cersi in reality ends this all by killing that little gathering she had outside the wall, they were literally in range of the archerers let along the ballistas, lol. Everything everyone is doing is stupid and bad.
  10. Compared to the rest of the seasons this one is moving at lightning speed, and seems to just be throwing things out the window to get there, i have a hard time believing a fleet of ships could not only evade detection by 2 dragons, but to also get into kill range then snipe them out of the sky with fucking ballistas while moving laterally is just laughable.
  11. NY's is odd, its 15 an hour for everyone in the city at this point, while Long Islands is 14, and by 2021 the rest of the state will be 12.50 and then will go up annually by a currently unknown number because it relies on economic factors till it gets to 15, which is fine, but by the time it gets there its going to need to be raised in the city, lol.
  12. Its recovered most of it, now down 150, but it seems thats based entirely on "Hes not that dumb, right?" Hoping hes just trying to push China into a deal i guess, lol.
  13. "Buying Lunch" is nonessential? Also Cable? For 90 dollars that absolutely is including internet.
  14. Real rescues won't give you the dog in terrible condition, they do everything before you get them, except with puppies sometimes vaccines if they're not old enough.
  15. I like that hes oblivious to the fact that the reason we haven't been getting along with anyone but Russia is cause he keeps attacking them, meanwhile Russia is the only one actively countering his administrations foreign policies.
  16. Women have long term birth control now so don't worry about getting pregnant and require fewer visits to the doctor since you don't need to get more, and gays have HIV inhibitors to prevent the transmission of HIV. No one is thinking AIDS won't kill me so don't need the rubber, if anything they're not thinking anything at all, lol.
  17. Lol DA4 is going to be a live service game as well, goodbye bioware.
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