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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. I haven't played the division 2 at all, and the reason for that is the game just looks boring as shit to play, third person shooter filled with hip height walls and loot based in reality, but whatever. With that said i think Anthem is a lost cause, it lacks a lot of basic RPG stuff like inventory management, weapon and gear stats are a number and then a bunch of percentage increases and unless you get one that increases damage by 150% or higher its not worth using, and because of that you don't actually know if the weapon is worth equipping till you go through like 5 minutes of load screens only to find out its not worth equipping and are stuck using shitty gear cause theres no inventory or having to go through another 10 minutes of loading to keep playing, then theres combos, they explode things die, no way to know how much damage any of it does cause the game literally just calls it a combo and is vastly stronger than any other weapon/ability in the game so it doesn't actually matter how much damage your weapons/gear do as long as you set yourself up to basically forever chain combos. Add to all of this that content is getting pushed back, and lol. I have 83 hours in Anthem and haven't touched it in weeks, you just hit a point even with legendaries dropping, that they either all suck or are barely an upgrade and theres really nothing to do with them even if you get a good one other than run the same content you just grinded for 83 hours.
  2. The original post made me think he was posting something in jest, then the edit calling it an expose, lol. OK it's got to be a satire site,its just too bonkers.
  3. Again, nothing will happen because you refuse to demand your representative takes action, not because Trump didn't do anything.
  4. Do you even understand why this is? Its because people like you won't demand something be done by this level of corruption...
  5. So Mueller also found evidence to back the claim he tried to tell comet to stop the Flynn investigation, nope no obstruction.
  6. Perry shipped a bunch of nuclear waste to Nevada and didn't tell anyone, also was involved in selling the Saudi's nuclear tech.
  7. So this dude doesn't even have a coal mine in his district, so there aren't any miners for her to talk too anyways...
  8. Ive been hooked on subnautica for the past two weeks, the ocean setting is gorgeous and lots of interesting areas to explore. I think I'm coming up on 30 hours on my first game.
  9. Twitch isn't really a good indicator of success, people follow the streamers more than the games, you'll occasional find older or niche games rocket to the top cause one of the big streamers decides he's going to play it for a few hours.
  10. Nonsense, go all str, hit some stims with force speed and flurry and you can one shot the final boss. I honestly don't know how you can think they're weak unless you only put points into dexterity which didn't increase damage, which was traded off for increased defense.
  11. Either that or overwhelm the local municipalities that have to help them, but honestly its such a stupid plan, they'll just go where they wanted at that point, they just walked hundreds of miles, its not like they're afraid of moving.
  12. Fox News is literally making up numbers for Trump, they have no equal among the networks, they're full blown propaganda up and down, MSNBC has a pretty strong left lean but is no where near this shit.
  13. Shes apparently staying till the 10th, cause nothing in this administration is done with any sort of cohesion with each part of it clueless as to what the other is doing.
  14. Its reckless discharge of a firearm, arguing it shouldn't be illegal cause he had a vest on is like arguing reckless driving shouldn't be illegal cause i wear a seat belt.
  15. I'm sure twitch is having an impact on its sales recently with the popularity that RP server, which has it in the top watched games. I'm in tears watching some of these guys.
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