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Everything posted by ALIEN-gunner

  1. About that Storm event...the developers said that it was only a preview of the actual event meaning there are more steps to it than defeting the Ash Titans. And the bigger one was kinda easy to take down kind of. You really had to kill it during it's rage phase before it detonated itself. If you can you get better rewards. It will be interesting to see what other kinds of events they have in store.
  2. One very nice thing about this game is the ping system. Just press R1 on a location and the game tells your squad you suggest to go there. You can also press it on enemies to spot them or gear to tell your team the may want that weapon. It sure beats having to pause to type out text, though you can also do that too. I guess I'm kinda warming up to it, probably because of being on a squad. It's nice to have team members revive or resurrect you when you suck. And I do.
  3. You can play it solo. Your random squad may not like you or may follow you but you can play however you want to when you really get down to it. You can even choose to drop solo or stay with the squad while freefalling. It's a weird game. I keep playing and I don't know why. I've played about 6 or 7 matches and haven't killed anyone and I'm level 5. I have shot players but they don't die. I've revived someone as the healer character(they heal 25% faster with an oversheild and drop a healing drone) but never got the trophy for it. I just want to get one kill damn it.
  4. This is just virtue signalling. Any human no matter their skin color or gender can be just as creative as the next, it just takes talent and passion.
  5. I kinda hate battle royale games and this one didn't change my mind. I tried it out on PS4 about an hour ago because it's set in the Titanfall universe and I was curious that maybe the gameplay would overshadow the dull BR formula. I will say it runs really good, 60fps, good graphics and gunplay and all that. But this is far removed from any Titanfall experience. Aside from no Titans to speak of, there's also no pilot machanics we're used to either. No wall running, no jump sliding and no double jumping. Someone put it best stating something like if you ever wondered what it was like playing as a Grunt instead of a badass Pilot w/Titan then this is the game for you. All it has going for it are the quirky "hero" characters you can choose to play as akin to something like Overwatch. They all have their specific special abilites though so I guess that's new and there's the posibility to respawn dead teamates and call out locations/items. Only one game mode right now but it is stupid that it's 3-man squad only. I may try it again some time but make no mistake, this is another Battle Royale game with tons of cosmetics to unlock or buy and loot boxes for a dollar each. At least there's no pay to win nonsense and Fortnite building. Sad that TF3 was scrapped for this but that's EA for you.
  6. This would also stop players from quitting back to base after getting the gun they wanted leaving the rest of the squad a man down.
  7. I pre-ordered this on PS4 today. I only trickle play Destiny 2 now. I get on and shoot a couple of enemies and then wonder why I'm playing then log off. There's nothing to do anymore but chase Destiny 1 weapons. I'm looking forward to min-maxing Javelins and testing out different loadouts. You really can't do that in Destiny. Every character is nearly the same.
  8. This update also has better rain effects and when flying in the rain it can help cool your jets too. The sparrows in Destiny are cool speeder bikes but aren't great at anything other than travel. Ride them near enemies and they become bullet magnets. Plus they can't go everywhere. You can fly everywhere with a Javelin and flying is part of combat.
  9. What, was he born in a barn? That room looks like a museum. Museums are nice.
  10. Sounds like eczema. Stay away from those chemical filled handsoaps and stick with the more natual ones. Try some Aloe Vera lotions or hand lotions with no alcohol and wear some cotton gloves and rubber gloves when washing dishes. See a doctor they may give you some steroid ointment to clear it up faster. Drink more water too. Stay hydrated.
  11. Bill Maher is the luckest comic in the world. He's a hack comic who based his career off lame "Clinton doesn't inhale" and "George Bush is an idiot" jokes. He's 60 years old. He's never been married. Has no children. He once played a cameo in the terrible movie House 2. He has created nothing good in this world and will be quickly forgotten after he's dead. Stan Lee was a wonderful man who consistantly loved the fans and brought joy to millions with his creations. He will be remembered forever.
  12. When the crew goes into space it's destiny will be complete.
  13. The stuff on the shelf you described to me sounds like an untidy mass. The wires alone are an abomination.
  14. Multiple old console systems that are unrelated to each other in size, shape and compatibility that take up self space is TOTALLY clutter. A simple all-in-1 device is superior and very neat and VERY tidy.
  15. I played the first mission and some free play on the regular PS4 and then deleted it. That's enough for me to get a feel for it. The demo is a six week old build and doesn't run that good. It's ok. The load times were fine. The connection was fine. The contol and gameplay was good. It's just that the frame rate is less than 30fps and the graphics makes it hard sometimes to see enemies. I'm not looking for a Destiny killer, I'm just looking for a sci-fi looter shooter with the potential to last. From what I saw of this old build I liked more than I didn't like and so I'm hopeful the finished game will contain the "thousand of fixes" BioWare promised but even if it doesn't I'm sure I'll still have fun with it.
  16. I want to see a live action Harely Quinn not a Harley Stripper. Teaser: Guess I won't.
  17. CBS put the first episode of season 2 on Youtube for free, apparently because the show has a 25-30% approval rating and no one really wants to watch it, me included. What the hell I watched it and it wasn't half bad. It had some really stupid stuff like the forced comedy, lore retconning and unbelievable crew members but it was a pretty good action drama. It's not really "Star Trek" but it's still pretty neat.
  18. One of the differences from the VIP demo and the playtest he participated in was that in the playtest you could sprint while in the fort. For some reason sprinting was removed in the demo.
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