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Everything posted by ALIEN-gunner

  1. I'm not offended by this ad because it's a commercial, a thing designed to manipulate a person to buy into their products with half truths and outright lies. It's a work of fiction really and a funny one. It's hilarious that that father, in the process of going to break up a bully fight, leaves his son alone in the middle of a crowded street. Or that black guy telling the white guy it's not ok to talk to women; worst wing-man ever. The sitcom protraying the dad as a letch that has never existed on TV ever. I don't even think the Honeymooners was that bad. And then there's those stereotypical BBQ fathers saying "boys will be boys", when in reality it's the MOTHERS who are the ones that always say that! What's even funnier is the backlash this ad is getting. The Youtube ad has been deleting negative comments and deleting downvotes. Other razor products like Dollar Shave Club, and some Watch manufacturer swooped in and have been selling out as an alternative. Bad publicity is good publicity for other companies in this case it seems. Fun times.
  2. I've asked forgiveness from my master so often it's like second nature.
  3. I might play some Mass Effect Andromeda, the combat in Anthem has inspired me to give it another chance.
  4. Non-combat in a looter shooter? Magic 8 Ball says "Not likely". That's good news it runs fine on a non-fabulous PS4. I'm sure I'll be getting the game. Everything about the combat and progression that I'm seeing is my kind of game. It's like it takes the best parts of Destiny, The Division, WarFrame, Diablo and Lost Planet and mixes it all up in a blender. Other than the glitches and bugs frm this 6 week old build(so called) the main complaint I'm seeing is there's no PVP. However I couldn't care less about that.
  5. Without work-arounds the loading screen is RNG based but weighted with a 90% chance of getting it.
  6. In the PSN store the description says this game has in game purchases. Yay!
  7. Players aren't liking that you are forced to walk, you can't sprint in the town.
  8. A good book will always grab me right away. If it doesn't it tells me it's not written well and not worth sticking with it to see if it gets better.
  9. Mara - 2/10 Somewhere in this mess is a creepy horror film about sleep paralysis being caused by a supernatural being. The effects are pretty good but there's so much overracting and ridiculous plot elements ruining this thing. Nothing in this movie is believable. It looks like it was created by a film student drop out who was given a decent budget. Garbage.
  10. You have to wait until the reticule gets small for critical hits. And to take zombies down fast you have to aim for the brain. Hitting them in the jaw or neck isn't enough.
  11. I watched Angry Joe stream Anthem on Twitch. He had some fun with it in 4 player co-op but he was pretty annoyed with everything else. Some of the missions on HARD are actually hard with so many respawning enemies but normal difficulty it looked like the AI was braindead, worse than Destiny. They just mostly stood around or got stuck behind rocks. Sometimes the enemies he was trying to shoot would just disappear too. The game is full of bugs apart from the connection issues. Other than the glitches and other problems the game is basically 3rd person Destiny but with a ton of loading screens. If you're used games where the maps have no loading zones you might be disappointed. Also the demo's econemy and loot drops were said to be inflated.The final game won't be dishing out so much loot and I can't help but think the grind will be even worse. The developers said that this demo was in part to help make people who pre-ordered more comfortable with their purchase. Are they?
  12. I would tend to doubt that. And if they were already in and found out later they had ADHD they would probably be honorably discharged and be given medical benefits for the condition for life.
  13. From all the reviews I've seen(no one reads reviews anymore) the Tyrant's AI is braindead and he seems to have been put in the game to prevent the player from taking their time. Capcom wants you all MOVING!
  14. I always thought the Athiest/Agnostic/Thiest differences went like this: If you believe in a god you are a Thiest. If you believe gods do not exist you're an Athiest. If you don't believe in a god but are open to the possibilites of a god existing you are Agnostic.
  15. It's being reported now that Phillips who said he's a Vietnam vet entered the military too late and didn't actually go to Vietnam.
  16. There is a high suicide rate amoung trans people before and after transitioning where the rate stays about the same. So there is some mental issues going on for whatever reason from within, their upbringing and outside environmental sources since trans people make up an insignificant portion of society so the concept is frown upon very highly by the majority of society. I'm not too familiar with what goes on in the military but I think they want their soldiers physically fit and not pumped full of chemicals so I can see a ban for that reasoning. Anything else I don't care, let them serve.
  17. You're right, the number I offered was on the low end. There's a lot more. Step outside sometimes. Meet people outside of internet message boards.
  18. The MAGA hat is not a racist symbol because there are hundreds of thousands of minorities in the US who proudly wear it. The real problem is when white people try to tell minorities they are ignorant for wearing the hat because their views are automatically right and the minorities views are wrong because they can't think for themselves. That's the real racism today.
  19. The Punisher Season 2 - 11/10 I loved the shit out of this season even the fluff episodes because the dialog was so good and all of the characters were amazingly interesting. This is 100 times better than the first season which had too many episodes about nothing. The creators said they listened to the fans and it shows. More action, more drama and great from the beginning to the very end. Perfect ending too.
  20. Black Panther wasn't even that good of a movie. I hope there's a sequel with a better fleshed out story. I enjoyed it one time but Oscar material? No way.
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