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Everything posted by mo1518

  1. Ran around with prometheus lens to work on the catalyst I got, and paired it with perfect paradox. Both use special ammo, so kinetic ammo was doing nothing for me, but that's the only thing that would drop. Wonder if hidden juggler is still on to some degree. Anyways, prometheus chews up ammo, so I was constantly out. Using double energy weapons is certainly a risk/reward situation, but it was fun running around with a shotgun primary again.
  2. Yeah, you know that won't last very long. Yup. The fact that Y1 armor and guns don't take the new mods is probably what kills them. Midnight Coup will still be good, sure, but it's down one perk and mods compared to every Y2 gun. Y1 armor is literally just cosmetic from this point on, instead of just being jokingly cosmetic.
  3. That was very good. It also makes me think as much as we all love our current guns and armors, it's probably best to just delete all that shit cause it ain't coming out of the vault ever again in one week.
  4. No chance. As much as I can't wait to play this, no way a launch PS4 is going to run that, unless they ship it with super-low "Last Gen" settings, with the version we're seeing in that video being the PC/PS5/NextBox version.
  5. https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/47127 It's weird reading through these changes. So many buffs, so few nerfs. Voidwalker's charged grenades (a criminally underrated ability) no longer cost super energy and are even more powerful. Void titan attack got buffed, ward of dawn as well, it sounds great now. The gun perks all got improved, everything is stronger or faster or better.
  6. I love it, this game is looks wild! I'm more interested in the city/world than I am in the gunplay though.
  7. Make sure you have the full set of armor equipped when you start the mission. I think I'm around tonight if you need help. Send me an invite if you see me. Those blue armor missions are tough to solo. So forsaken patch is tomorrow, and includes the new weapon slot system. I can not fucking wait to be able to rock a hand cannon, fusion rifle, rocket combo again.
  8. PS4. I'm not actually done yet, have a couple chapters to go...
  9. Played a bunch of okami today. I love the game, it's got a gorgeous style and fun gameplay, but man is the sidekick Issun annoying. He interrupts you every five minutes to either point out the blazingly obvious or he's insulting every character you meet - but if that character is a woman he goes straight pervert, calling her cutiepie, melons or busty babe - "I couldn't say no to that pair either." It's not even like an interesting character quirk, like oh, he's the dirty old perv, it's just obnoxious and jarring, and he literally stops the story from proceeding so he can obsessively comment on boobs for five lines or so. This game would be 200 per cent better if he wasn't in it. I'm halfway through, and he has yet to provide a funny joke, useful skill or anything positive whatsoever except ensuring I never fail to notice a set of big tits. I dread every dialog box, because it's guaranteed to be annoying and risks ruining an otherwise stellar game.
  10. Yeah, 30 super kills and 10 regular kills. I think they got those numbers reversed - it would have been better the other way around. It was mayhem the second week of solstice, everyone got it done easy, but without that it's a silly grind.
  11. Nintendo: “The industry shouldn’t be too greedy.” Also Nintendo: “Pay us for the online you've been enjoying free for the past year.”
  12. Decided to knock Beyond: Two Souls off my backlog. This is not a good game, but the story does have me kinda intrigued. Knowing it's only ten hours long is keeping me going, and Ellen Page does some good work in it. Probably would have been better as a two hour straight-to-Netflix movie.
  13. You did two runs and think the drop rates are bs? I did 30 or 40 before getting all three. Lucky for you they added RNG protection in one of the recent patches. Each run without a weapon drop increases the drop chance on your next run. Wear a "increase loot chance from public events" ghost shell while you're doing it.
  14. @Anzo @eggydoo Guns drop from boss kills, so yes, you can farm it, but you have to have a group set up for it. The trick is to whittle his health down to less than 1/4, then wait until the timer hits 3 seconds. Then you have a titan melting point and tractor cannon him, while two warlocks nova bomb. Boss will die, but the timer will hit zero, meaning you fail wave 7 and can retry at wave 6. Beat wave 6, fight the boss, fail at 0, rinse and repeat until you get the gun. Armor only drops from the chest that you get from successfully beating wave 7. You need a purple key to open it. The 7 yellow shards you get from strikes/adventures can be turned into a blue key by Anna Bray, but only once per character per week. The blue key turns purple after 7 successful waves. I think you can hold multiple purple keys, but only one blue at a time (again, per character) and 7 shards max. Also, armor drops are on a set order, first one is always the cloak, then boots, gloves, chest, helmet.
  15. So Battle Royale with character classes and special abilities? Could be interesting. Not sure how big a slice of the pie they're going to be able to claim, but I wish them luck.
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