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Everything posted by mo1518

  1. I got killed by that in the crucible. I was like what the fuck was that? That was awesome! I went with the new gunslinger super. It's so fun - the super is great, basically a solar nova bomb made of exploding knives, but the throwing knife is so much fun to use. Throws three burning knives that sets enemies on fire. If they die while burning it gives you a buff that reduces cool down on your melee, and it stacks. I always have melee up, and it's awesome at wiping out groups of adds, especially when you use the Exotic that gives you two melee charges. Edit: I got ace of spades last night. Don't want to over-hype it, but it's so much fun. Think fatebringer mixed with hawkmoon.
  2. Let's try, pleb. 540 light nightfall over here and I don't even want to try. I think them gating off the nightfall/faction rally/iron banner that first week of osiris and people calling for their heads (both for the shitty expansion and the gating) made them realize it was not a sustainable or healthy setup. Enrage your core, drive away casuals, make an absolute PR nightmare, or put a little thought into this stuff and not shoot your own game in the knee every time an update comes out. They've done good since then.
  3. Guns are the same, exotics have set perks. Armor can have random rolls. All your exotic armor got converted to have the new perks, but you may get a new one through a drop or xur that has a different or better roll.
  4. Stick with what you've got, then buy Forsaken if you like it. At least play through the main campaign and Warmind. Osiris is skippable, though it only takes a couple hours to go through anyways.
  5. So kudos to bungie, that campaign was really, really good. Especially the baron fights. They weren't just big versions of small enemies that stomp when you get close to them, they were all smart, fun fights with interesting mechanics. Definitely their best story campaign. A few complaints. I deleted basically everything in my vault, cause the armor is just cosmetic now and the guns are all weaker than everything in year 2. I saved raid weapons and armor, a few favourite guns. I wish there was an option to convert them to a year 2 gun that would give it a random roll. And infusing is way too expensive with it requiring masterwork orbs. Not a complaint, but I didn't get a single exotic yesterday. Instead of them raining down on you, getting a few just for beating the story, it looks like they're going to be exciting to receive again.
  6. I was worried about this series, but with a name like cavill on board I'm more hopeful that this won't be a campy video game show.
  7. I have no idea what they're blocking off from vanilla only owners. Probably light level locked at 400, no gambit or new strikes, no new missions or exotic quests, the new areas. Wonder if the new weapons and armor will be locked out? Non dlc owners could always buy dlc exotics from xur. Played a bit more gambit, starting to like it. One thing that could really make it better is losing the three round system, bring it down to a single fight. Less quitters, just a quick hop into another match if you get your ass handed to you.
  8. Yeah, it took me a few runs for it to click. But once it did, man, I'm hooked.
  9. I'm so glad you asked cause I am dying to talk about this game It's a strategy game like advance wars, but you have a team of just three mechs with various abilities. Each attempt of the campaign ends in victory, or you fail and your three pilots go back in time to the beginning to try again, and you can choose one of them to retain their learned skills. You can unlock other squads of mechs with totally different abilities that require different playstyles, and pairing them with different unlockable pilots adds to the strategy. There are four islands to conquer, each broken into a section of stages, and after clearing each island you can upgrade and customize your mechs and pilots. Each map is objective based, so you have to balance killing enemies, keeping your civilian buildings alive, keeping your mechs alive and completing the objective. As the stages get harder and harder it becomes more a game of making hard choices, smart sacrifices and puzzling out how to mitigate losses rather than just wiping the enemy out. Maybe losing this building is OK if it means I complete the objective, or maybe I pass on the objective to keep everyone alive. One of the mechs is just a defenseless little floating bot with a grappling hook that can move an enemy. At first I thought it was almost a joke unit, completely useless. By the end of my run I realized it was the mvp unit, dragging enemies into environmental hazards, pulling attackers off their target or moving a friendly unit out of danger. The game can be tough as nails though. You make a wrong move and your campaign may be over in a single turn. Things can really get out of control the further you go on. But that's OK - the game isn't meant to be completed, it's meant to be replayed over and over and over again.
  10. Into the Breach on switch. This game is fucking incredible.
  11. This was my experience as well. Play with a full team or expect to be crushed. With no trials of osiris anymore, this mode is going to be a stomping ground for pvpers who get off on the trolling aspect of gambit. I don't see myself playing it much. That said, I'm realizing that I just don't like D2 pvp at all, so I'm probably not the best person to judge. I think the only thing I still enjoy is quests and patrol
  12. @bladimir2kdaily heroic on Mars? Do you mean the adventure? Maybe the exotics we pull out of the collection next week will have random rolls?
  13. Think so. The nice part is infusing my old knucklehead into the new version only cost 500 glimmer, no mats. Mine has handcannon tagerting/handling buff and extra chance at heavy ammo drops. Loving it!
  14. Heads up, xur is in the EDZ, and he's selling Year 2 versions of knucklehead radar, vesper of radius and ashen wake, meaning they have the new perk system. If you buy a dated engram from him you have a 50/50 chance of getting an armor (provided you have all the exotics already).
  15. Next week there will be. There's no "heroic" strike playlist going forward, just a strike playlist that is light level appropriate that also has modifiers. That will count towards your solstice guantlets or whatever mission needs heroics.
  16. You're probably right, but just the fact a single player game had loot boxes for a campaign game mode looked egregious enough for a shit storm to brew. I know they were a big factor in me losing interest.
  17. I'm curious how they rebalanced it now that there's no loot boxes? Do you get whatever was in them more often now through regular gameplay, or were they just removed full stop? It's funny, I LOVED the first game, but it never once crossed my mind to purchase the second.
  18. Me too. I even have the ps1 classic installed on my Vita. It plays terribly though.
  19. The heavy ammo economy has been uber fucked ever since the ammo synths were left behind. We've all been there. "Why isn't this party chat dying from laughter, I've been dropping amazing jokes up in... Oh shit, I'm muted! No, my hot takes - all wasted!"
  20. Year 1 weapons won't be able to use the new mod system, so they don't have slots. The only thing you can do is change their element if they have one, and even that is going away after forsaken launches.
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