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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. Lol. I only installed Aura so I could link it to iCue.
  2. If your daughter's fingers don't go to WASD when they first sit at a computer, you're not raising them right.
  3. The surge protector you have in your power strip won't protect you from lightning strikes -- they're mostly there to reduce the wear on electronics from surges within the home.
  4. I have an ASUS board, and have never installed Armory Crate....
  5. I want the Nintento "B" button to be both Jump (presently "X") and accept (presently "A") in the menus. The only way I'll get it straight in my mind is to just play this game for long enough. I was going to make a joke about my emulator's LOD being stuck on the low quality models/textures, and there being an audio bug where it won't play dialog, and that I am only seeing the subtitles. But, there are so many defensive people here, that I thought it would go over like a lead balloon.
  6. How do you know when a politician is lying? When his lips are moving. They all do -- Trump just takes it to another level. Mass delusions have always been a thing, and probably always will be. The way to move through it is to continue to have conversations, not to create silos and echo chambers.
  7. You know M.2 SSDs suck, right? | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM U.2 has The Edge. He couldn't be more wrong. U.2 may be a better answer for some use cases, but for the vast majority of people, who don't need that much storage, m.2 is so much more convenient.
  8. Spitting is not something I do on a regular basis, other than with mouthwash.
  9. I played about an hour of it last night, and I think I am in your camp. I'll give it another go after I finish the games I already have on the go, but trying to go back and forth between this button layout and a modern one won't work in my head.
  10. The election will be won by having the moderates who don't follow politics closely continue to see what a whackjob Trump really is. Raving progressives weren't going to vote for him anyways.
  11. You're arguing 6.7" isn't 7"? Technically you're right.
  12. PC component sales (and computers) are down about 30% this year, so the premium prices from the pandemic will begin to go away. My work laptop usage is pretty minor compared to the engineers at my company, who are running CAD. I am fine with 16GB for now.
  13. Prices for DDR5 have come down AGAIN! Purchased another 32GB to bring my total to 64GB. Purchased a 2TB WD SN770X to act as my storage drive. I need to stop buying computer components.
  14. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - the Digital Foundry verdict WWW.EUROGAMER.NET Technical analysis, image quality testing and performance numbers on Nintendo's next big game.
  15. My main gaming computers for about 10 years were a Commodore 64 and then a Commodore Amiga. I purchased 2 games during those 10 years. I did have a kickass USRobotics HST 14.4 modem though. Other than that, the typical stupid teenager stuff like speeding and drinking (I have never driven faster than 230 km/h on a public roadway).
  16. If you are targetting 4k/60, I agree with @Spork3245, AMD shouldn't be at the top of your list. VRAM is a problem on many of Nvidia's GPUs, I personally wouldn't buy a GPU with less than 12GB. [One of the big reasons I decoided to overspend my Budget to get a 4080, was for the larger amount of VRAM over a 4070Ti.). What most of the Youtube personalities miss is the importance of DLSS3. Frame generation is a game changer in terms of the overall experience. The current batch of AMD cards only support FSR2, which is noticeably worse than DLSS2 -- and likely never will have something comparable to DLSS3's frame generation. At lower pricepoints, AMD makes great cards -- but I would recommend a lower res monitor than 4k as well.
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