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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. I don't think that is the case. A roadmap MAY be influential around launch, but most enthusiasts have already bought into at least one of the ecosystems. If you're making a choice now, I would suppose the existing library (and games coming out over the next few months) is probably more interesting than announcements that are more than a year out. Does the opportunity to play GoW:Ragnarok, Horizon: FW, Gran Turismo, Spider-Man 2 really influence someone less than if a CG trailer for Marvel's Wolverine gets shown?
  2. Why do they need to? What is the marketing advantage of showing games years out?
  3. Clearly no history of humans living in or near deserts and creating large civilizations with buildings made of stone.
  4. Given the strength of their recent sales (the first quarter of this year, and the holiday season)n-- and the fact that these have been achieved without discounting are really impressive. Particularly given the context of other categories being down so much (i.e. computer and computer component sales being down ~30%). Keep in mind Marketing includes the product (Promotion is only 1 of the 5 Ps)-- keeping a consistent level of good content is part of what Sony has done better than anyone else.
  5. How did people ever survive for hundreds of thousands of years before air conditioning was invented.
  6. It's just not what I am looking for in a video game. I think I understand what others see in it, but it's the kind of thing that I don't want to devote my time to.
  7. I loved all 4 of the MGS games (when they came out). I'm not really sure I'm all that excited about another MGS game without Kojima (even though his more recent games haven't really connected with me).
  8. I think it is hard to argue with the effectiveness of Sony's marketing, given their sales success.
  9. I think you're assuming that game companies will continue to market like they did in the pre-online world, with a big focus on a summer showcase like e3. There is a lot to be said about spreading out the news across the year, and building hype for the games coming out in the short term to actually drive sales. I don't think this is the first year that the big companies have been doing this -- it's not really a new phenomenon.
  10. I wish Sony hadn't confirmed they were waiting a year+ to bring future games to PC. But, on the other hand it does give me time to finally finish the first two games.
  11. Just spent some time on their website. While I think I would prefer another open-world AC game, I am totally fine playing a modern reinterpretation of AC2 or AC: Syndicate. They were great games, and there isn't a whole lot like them being made today.
  12. They've chased so many of the non-radical users on that board away, they need more fresh meat. I mean, have you ever seen @crispy4000 walk away from an argument before? [That's a joke, you know I love you Crispy.]
  13. Equality and Equity as they are currently defined frequently come into direct conflict with each other. Rejecting Equity and identity politics as the objective of society (which is what "woke" usually refers to), is different than rejecting Equality. Yes, there are absolutely racists who throw around the term "woke". There are also a fair amount of folks who aren't comfortable with identity politics. It is possible to neither be an adherent to marxism and identity politics, nor a right-wing Nazi. There are a lot of people in the middle.
  14. Got it, in 2023, you don't actually have to do/say anything racist to be called racist.
  15. They looked more Gen-X than boomers to me. I have no idea if they're actually racist, but what did they actually do that was racist? Or, is it enough that they are middle-aged white people from Texas?
  16. I'm still trying to understand what they did to deserve the vitriol, other than not being left-wing.
  17. I don't think the current culture warriors are looking to change people's minds. They're happy to pick a side in a war, and assume that everyone else is fighting in it.
  18. As someone who knows nothing about basedcon, can someone explain what John Carmack has done wrong?
  19. Figured out my failure to launch. One of the recommendations I found for my previous crashing issues was to "Run it as Administrator". Apparently, EA did something to their app, so that if the game was "Run as Administrator", it would fail to run. And, if you uninstall a game, and then reinstall it. Windows remembers that you had toggled the setting before. And, EA help desk are a bunch of morons. That said, I'm finally playing it again.
  20. Replace them with 3-prong outlets. Use one of these to ensure they're wired correctly. Klein Tools GFCI Tester RT210 - The Home Depot I would see if there is a ground wire in there first.
  21. Handgun murders aren't the problem in Canada that they are in the US, numbering about 170 a year, with more than half of those directly linked by the police to organized crime/gangs. There was a parliamentary committee last year, in which the Deputy Chief of the Toronto Police Department testified that 86% of guns used for crime were illegally imported from the US. Several police chiefs testified that they didn't think increased gun controls would actually do much of anything and that the focus should be in other areas. So if none of the experts believe these laws will have any impact, why are they doing it? Have legal handguns been used in mass shootings, or even worse school shootings in Canada? I am aware of one. Ever. Large-scale shootings in Canada are exceptionally rare, and school shootings even more so. And, historically most haven't used handguns, and the one that I am aware of, was from an illegally sourced one. Media bleed-over from the US, makes some Canadians think that gun violence is much worse than it is. And that mass shootings are much worse than they are. The Liberal government is going through a number of scandals at the moment (particularly where it comes to turning a blind eye towards Chinese interference in Canadian elections), and their playbook in these times is to divert attention away from a scandal and create noise around a divisive issue (i.e. banning guns, or pretending that abortion might be banned in Canada). The don't actually believe this will do anything to save lives. What would work, however, is the US adopting the kind of gun controls that Canada has had for decades. Because Canada has an epidemic of easily accessible illegal handguns that flood over the border. Since Canadians can't control that, the experts suggest that we reverse the bail reforms that have been put in place over the last few years that have resulted in violent offenders (and the members of the gangs who are doing most of the killing) being on the streets, rather than behind bars.
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