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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. If you're comparing it to a KB/M -- a controller will never be as accurate for a FPS/TPS. You "get used" to it, and console shooters generally have tons of autoaim to help. But it will never be as accurate as a KB/M. If you're comparing it to a PS4 controller, you'll get used to it. They're pretty interchangeable in my mind (although I prefer the symmetrical design and ergonomics of the PS4 controller).
  2. Actually I spent more time "reinstalling Windows 10" because my controller drivers had become corrupted and crashed my computer whenever I tried to play a game with a controller.
  3. Now you're nitpicking. Apparently EGM has more lives than a cat -- I believe its been killed numerous times.
  4. You still have time to come to your senses! (I'm apparently not the only one who hates it.)
  5. When I read the reviews about No Man's Sky -- the game appeared to be pretty consistent with my (low) expectations. At the time I was always confused about why some people thought the game would be more than it was.
  6. This weekend it will be more Watch Dogs 2 and Wolfenstein 2. I apparently like sequels to games that begin with "W".
  7. You have a 1-track mind! I would love that. My son keeps stealing my Elite to play Halo. It would give me a great excuse to buy one.
  8. MS has already updated the wording from "Hardware" to "Bundles" -- no new consoles being announced...
  9. I guess the Raptors are going all in for next season -- and giving up on the future beyond that.
  10. Almost all Xbox exclusives are on PC.... However the following aren't: Halo 5 Halo: Master Chief Collection Sunset Overdrive
  11. @Spork3245 Love the Mustang!
  12. Crackdown has looked like a trainwreck for the last few years. I have very low expectations.
  13. Montreal bagels FTW. Chicago pizza FTW. Both are overrated in NY.
  14. The Xbox X GPU can do 4k60 on certain games -- but it can't do 4k60 across the board. And certainly not with "next generation" games. Even if it had a 1900x in it, that won't make the GPU any faster. Much faster GPUs require you to turn down the IQ if you want to hit 4k60 on many current games. My point was that I was expecting a very low memory increase (x2 to ~16GB) on next gen consoles, vs. the typical historical generational increase (x8-x16 or 64 - 128 GB) -- the current gen increase was x16, which if duplicated would result in 128GB. The Xbox1X only has 12 GB -- which I wouldn't consider "loaded" for a next gen console. Edited: My historical numbers were inaccurate (understated) -- Generational increments in memory are.. PS2 (x12), PS3 (x14), X360 (x8), PS4 (x16), XB1 (x16)
  15. It was a copy paste from the link. I'm too lazy to reformat their material. (Alternative would be to read it on the Eurogamer site with the link at the top.)
  16. Of course, there are alternatives that are much better.... An eGPU with a GTX-1080 in it for the same price from Gigabyte...
  17. Well, Watch Dogs 2 has decided to become unplayable -- it is causing my computer to hard reset within 5 minutes of launching the game (after playing about 40% of the game). Moving on to Wolfenstein 2 -- played the intro and first main mission last night.
  18. IMHO, the GPU in the X would be much better spent on hitting higher framerates (60hz) or better IQ. The X certainly can't render a 4K "next gen" image. Memory price is a huge issue -- PCs memory size growth has stalled due to prices, so consoles likely will too. I bought 16GB of memory in '16 for $65 -- that same memory is $160 today. There is no way we will see the traditional x6-x8 generational memory increase. I'm expecting more like x2 (from the original launch). (For comparison purposes, PS4/XB1 had x16 more ram than their predecessors.)
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