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Everything posted by Littleronin

  1. If only there was some check to figure out if it really was antifa... Oh yeah, the fucking President didn't want to call the National Guard in.
  2. This, I just did the same thing, except woke up at 3:30PM on the West coast and saw all this mess.
  3. Yeah, I just got done listening to the entire thing and part of me can't believe I am saying this because he looks pretty dumb to start, but the motherfucker is legit dumber than he looks. Listening to him try to bully Raffensperger and Germany (and try to compliment Germany into agreeing with him), Meadows intentionally misstate what was said to try and get an agreement to share information out of them, and Trump's lawyers practice from the Lionel Hutz School of Law Stuff made the guys' conversation on how they were going to kidnap Michigan's governor sound like seasoned professionalism.
  4. My area made national news for a 6.5 earthquake. But I believe it was overshadowed by something dumb Trump said. I remember I was just getting ready to go to bed and everything started shaking. No damage to my home but I know the highway to the south of us had a nice break in it. Earthquake is largest in Nevada in past 66 years WWW.CNN.COM An earthquake with a revised magnitude of 6.5 hit a remote area of Nevada on Friday morning, about 225 miles northwest of Las Vegas and near the California border, the US Geological Survey says.
  5. Oh so the body cam footage works when you want to show officer bravery but somehow wasn't on or malfunctioned if a black person is killed by an officer... Also that call for not needing fire on standby was just a little premature.
  6. BK might the the worst. Five guys in one that after I order out and start eating it I wish I would have just had McDonalds. Also down on the low end is Dairy Queen. I don't know why so many people around here love them but I can't stand their burgers.
  7. Some Proud Boy will get arrested and scream that "It was just a joke, it was a goof. You can't arrest me for a goof."
  8. Yakuza: Like a Dragon springs to mind that I would be surprised about the amount of time dumped into it. Things like Animal Crossing I expect but I didn't think I would have a save file approaching 100+ hours in Yakuza.
  9. I feel that any other year a game like Ghost of Tsushima would rake in the Game of the Year awards. Just sort of show how monstrous of a year it has been for gaming.
  10. I just seen an interview with the prosecutor in the Manafort case that says while that is true there were civil forfeitures agreed to that Manafort won't be getting back.
  11. I personal think he most heinous crime is spawning Jared and allowing the mother to carry the parasite to term.
  12. Pretty sure I lost a friend due to calling him out on his hypocrisy about bitching how his work was going to get him infected when it was his partying that got him and his pregnant girlfriend infected. Oh well.
  13. N64 always holds an odd place in my heart because of how much time in college was spent playing it. Between countless hours of Goldeneye to ripping the hell out of our hands in Mario Party. There always seemed to be a system set up at parties.
  14. Yeah it would be interesting to see, but I think it comes in at 5,500+ pages so I'll wait to see just how bad it was.
  15. Somebody needs to tell Pillow Mike that Gorka's doctorate is joke and that he doesn't deserve to be called "Doctor."
  16. I had Josh up at SideQuest Games in Portland do the install of my Dreamcast HDMI mod and it just got back today. Sadly I can't really do much fine soldering myself anymore so I had to outsource it after finally getting my hands on a kit.
  17. Dont know about articles but I mean it seems pretty simple. Democrats caved on damn near everything like they always do, while Republicans gave up not a whole lot. I'm sure some journalist can write that up into a few inches of article space somewhere.
  18. It has arrived. Side note, eVGA seems to have done away with the red trim highlights as mine has black in those places.
  19. Odd alternate world. Trump won and isn't throwing a tamper tantrum and is distributing the vaccine without hiccups. Good god I hated typing that out, but phasing into the better timeline is causing this one to come to a full fucked up head.
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