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Everything posted by Littleronin

  1. Hey when your party platform is "whatever the fuck Donald J. Trump wants," you have to toe the line to stay in the party.
  2. So the current outbreak in my county was cause by a baby shower. We seriously went from a case like every other week to the schools shutting down and the hospital going on lockdown because somebody got a bunch of people together to celebrate their mistake.
  3. You know somehow Trump is managing to pay Rudy from some department's funds citing "national security" or some bullshit.
  4. it almost feels like he will be arguing that 'if this administration attempted to do anything, you wouldn't have those final memories be arguments about how your vote for Biden was a vote to throw America to the hounds of hell that is socialism." Actually, I'm pretty sure that is exactly what this admin wants to happen.
  5. Seems like just the type of number for their board members to sell their stock at some point today.
  6. I just seen that the final county in the state of Nevada that had 0 cases (population 850ish) now has at least one case. I remember them on the news a few weeks back claiming they were immune because of all the arsenic in the drinking water. Yep, because that would seem like a fair trade-off to be proud of.
  7. I actually had it tonight at Safeway. I asked the cashier where they keep the ball condoms and if they were next to the chin masks. The couple behind me were one of those that wear their mask barely even cover their mouths let alone over their noses. The husband/boyfriend whatever yelled at me in the parking lot but decided against making a bigger scene as a State Trooper came into the parking lot (more of chance than anything as their office is right next to our Safeway. EDIT: I try to go later at night to the store when not many are out, but about once a week I run into one of those and I just got fed up with their stupidity tonight because I haven't been sleeping well.
  8. That the number one gift on most peoples' Christmas lists will be coffin and gofundmes to pay medical bills.
  9. Nevada put 10 of its 17 counties on elevated status. What does that mean? Absolutely nothing in reality. Also the states highest cases/100k is Churchill County. Where Trump Jr. held a rally roughly 2 weeks ago...
  10. He don't have mailboxes here. The entire county doesn't have street delivery of mail (everyone is given a PO Box). For reference there are 6 businesses that I know of in this town that replaced their business signage with Trump 2020 signs. There are still people that along side they Trump 2020 flags they have "Hilary for Prison" signs proudly displayed.
  11. I was finally gonna go get the Biden campaign signage and stickers and whatnot out of the Jeep as I just woke up and heard the news. But, after checking facebook people in my town are collectively losing their shit in an angry way I might wait until darkness sets. Luckily you cant see into the back or else I am pretty sure I would be replacing tires, paint, windows. The local office for the Dems here in town had a windowed smashed and most of the Biden signs torn up.
  12. I really think Arizona and Nevada don't want to bear the wrath of the crazy desert dwellers that are armed to the teeth if they announce results not in favor of Trump.
  13. That is what they sued over that they wouldn't let the GOP observers have binoculars to watch. But the fucking counting process is being live streamed...
  14. I don't think Kelly really ran on his military background (not sure about Duckworth). It seemed he ran more on issues at hand than "Vote for me because I was in the military."
  15. I really think the title need to be changed to Election Week 2020. I mean the last 4 years have been the longest decade for most of us, what is the harm of changing a night into a week?
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