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Everything posted by legend

  1. I want to highlight that as someone who has followed the Halo series since all we knew about it was the code name blam! I think this Halo successfully captures the feel of this early 2000 trailer better than any of the Halo's.
  2. I still have a ways to go I think, but I really hope they have campaign DLC in the future. They can do a lot with this open world and they have nailed and evolved the Halo formula. Whoever is responsible for the changes in 343 design philosophy deserves a raise, because they finally got it.
  3. I'll be okay with hard. Some of my favorite scenarios in the original Halos were hard and took me forever. This particular fight though felt like they took all the good things about the combat out by artificially limiting the environment and impact of different weapons. So it made it both hard and boring The other boss fights have been good though. Hopefully more of that and less of what they did here!
  4. I've been playing on Heroic, as I have with all Halos for my first run, and it's been great and very nicely balanced. I do think 343 finally got it and they have my support in the future. Except for the Bassus fight. What the mother fucking hell??
  5. I'm playing on Heroic and got just a little past getting on the ring; did some of the optional objectives and just started the first main mission after getting settled on the ring. Enjoying it quite a bit so far. It definitely feels a lot more like the Halo 2000 trailer than probably any Halo before, which is cool. The skirmishes have been small so far, but it is still early. If they can pull off large scale battles like the ones Halo 3 had through many of its missions, I'll be quite happy. That is quite the omission! Hope they get it patched in soon.
  6. In fact it's even worse, because not only is Tezos less energy efficient than a regular database, Quartz is using both a regular centralized database and the Tezos blockchain.
  7. I can toss in $50. My count: Stepee: 50 Chris: 20 Best: 50 ManUtd: 50 sblfilms: TBD brucoe: 25 Wade: 100 Me: 50 So we're at $345 + sbl's TBD.
  8. I loved me some Hang em High, Chillout, Prisoner, Battle Creek, and Damnnation, but if Halo 1 only had Blood Gulch CTF, I still would have played for years with my college buddies
  9. And lower to the ground! I fucking loath TVs mounted entirely above eye level. For a bed-viewed TV, there is argument for being a little higher because you'll look up when you are on it, but that one is practically to the moon!
  10. This is the worst TV setup for the money it must have cost that I have ever seen.
  11. No idea! I unfortunately don't keep up enough on the current state of the art on this.
  12. Doing anything worse than Trump should cause you to commit seppuku. Jesus Christ.
  13. I'll have to read more about this later! A fantastic technological feat!
  14. I feel obliged to share that I also managed to get one! The Best Buy of one of my friends who lives in a different state had them in stock, so he bought and shipped me one! Currently working through Miles Morales. My replay of FF7R is planned for after that, and probably a replay of Ghosts of Tsuhima with the new DLC. Will probably pick up other exclusives like Returnal at some point.
  15. This country is mind numbingly dysfunctional. I hope these people drown in a shit filled toilet bowl.
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