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Everything posted by legend

  1. I think that fact that I'm still coming back to watch it indicates that this is a "good" show. But beyond whether it's "good," I'm still not sure if I like it
  2. I'm not sure if this thought is pessimistic about the release time of the 3080, or optimistic about an eventual full release of Star Citizen.
  3. Cyberpowerpc. My local workstation (for, well, work) is also a Cyberpowerpc which is why I have some trust with them. They're pretty well priced too.
  4. They're telling me Oct 12. I'm not sure I believe it though. This will be a grand experiment. If it bears fruit, future generations of D1P may also use this economical strategy of upgrading their entire computer when they want a new hard-to-get video card!
  5. Exactly! I don't need the PC today, but there will be hell to pay if they delay me past November 19th!
  6. I do actually need the rest of the PC too because my current one would be too much of a bottle neck. Got a 3900x, 32GB of RAM, and a PCIe Gen 4 NVMe drive.
  7. I also ordered one. But I've taken the unconventional approach of ordering it via the order of an entire computer that has one We'll see if that strategy actually works out.
  8. My new PC and 3080 hasn't arrived yet, so I'm okay with this because I wasn't going to play it without it anyway.
  9. I think the only relevant point about Halo Infinite being on current gen holding it back is it probably made the work that much slower and harder. Developer resources are tight and by working across generations, console developers lose one of the best weapons they have: they can spend all their time worrying about just one piece of generational hardware. Multiple generations of hardware can make development a much bigger pain in the ass even if you should be able to get it to work in principle. In general I actually feel a lot of sympathy for 343. It sounds like MS put in them in a tough spot in lots of different ways, although I don't have any special insight into that beyond what we've seen released on the web. But PS5 will also absolutely have games in the beginning also "held back" to whatever extent Halo Infinite is because everyone should full well expect games to be cross gen for the first year *at least*. That's why the concerning part for me regarding the S is what its existence means for the later years of the new generation where normally developers would start focusing their efforts on just the newer hardware and be able to set the bar higher. That's also why I hope MS lets developers neglect it in those later years Re: more specific AI and gaming stuff I'm associated with, I'll probably share more some time in the future, but not for a while.
  10. I work in AI research which is heavily GPU bound and the kind of stuff I work on *is* 100% getting into gaming. I'm not a proper game developer (though I have made my own very small indie games before for whatever that's worth), but what I do do gives me some relevant perspectives. There's more to it than that too, but I can't talk about it right now. If you don't want to trust me on that last part that's fine.
  11. I mean, I do work on cutting edge compute-demanding technology that is increasingly being incorporated into gaming, but if you just want to brush me off as a troll rather than someone who has a relevant perspective on the situation that's your prerogative!
  12. No that wasn't the analogy or claim at all You brought up current gen support holding back next gen. My point is that the current gen only holds back the next gen in the beginning because eventually developers stop making games for the previous gen: just like developers stopped releasing games on PS3 long before the PS4 generation ended. I was in no way equating the series S with a PS3 for gods sake. I get this feeling that you're not actually trying to understand the concerns people are expressing and are much more interested in just assuming they're trolls.
  13. Speaking as one of those concerned gamers, exactly the same. As I've said multiple times in the past, the concern isn't the beginning of this new generation because that will be held back by the current one and existing PCs. It's the Xbox S setting an anchor point for the entire generation; as in, to the end of it. Last I checked, most games aren't still being released on PS3 hardware and haven't been for some time. This is also why my best case scenario is MS lets developers to opt out of supporting Series S. Although that will suck for anyone who purchased it expecting a full console if they do that.
  14. What did they say about Spiderman? My memory is they just showed a short CG shot. They definitely said things about Ratchet and showed it. Quite some time ago outside of official announcements I believe they used a Spiderman tech demo internally (of which videos exist on the web) to show how much faster they could move through the city if using an SSD, but I don't recall them showing anything indicating that they would be using that for Miles game they're releasing.
  15. DX12 RT won't compile down to using the RTX hardware in the drivers? Or are you saying Nvidia might be using gimped "software" ray tracing making for a bad baseline?
  16. I love the ODST soundtrack. Marty did an awesome job creating something very different that at the same time still somehow feels like Halo.
  17. The world I'm crossing my fingers for is the one in which after a couple years MS let's devs either outright not support S or delay it's support while MS offers S upgrade paths to encourage people to get a better system. Otherwise this will just be limiting. It will drain developer resources and that always has a cost. Making a devs life harder is not a good thing.
  18. Yep this is my core concern. The S won't make a difference or hold anything back for the first part of this new gen because older PCs and even the current gen consoles will still be supported for a lot of games. It's the need to support the S for the *entire* generation that worries me. Games at the end of a generation are quite a bit more advanced and use more of the consoles features by the end. To put things in perspective, my now ancient 980 is a 5TF card and in no world would I have expected my 980 to last until the end of this new generation. I would expect it to simply fail to meet minimum requirements well before that.
  19. I am 1 data point that would have bit if it were cheaper It's kind of silly fussing over such a relatively small difference in cost, but I don't like encouraging that price point so I opted to wait.
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