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Everything posted by legend

  1. I have no idea how to measure the actual impact odds, but I will say that Trump's efforts to suppress the science from federal agencies (more recently CDC, but more relevantly to this topic, the EPA, etc.) seems like it could have long lasting negative impacts if we let him go even further with it with another term. I'd be more specific but one of the problems with Trump is that because he make's a controversy every week, it's hard to remember the specifics of something he did to fuck the country that happened longer than a month ago.
  2. I am deeply skeptical of your core thesis here. In 2016, I can give some people a pass for simply not having time to really look into who Trump was and just voting R, while a lot of dems stupidly didn't vote because they didn't like Clinton. And I still do give some of those people a pass, because there are a number of people who have come out with deep regrets and are now voting for Biden. How many? I don't know, but clearly some people just didn't know. They get a pass. If you *still* don't know, I have no fucking idea how to reach you. Trump is the most obvious con man I've ever seen. He makes obvious movie villains I once considered "contrived" suddenly plausible he's so fucking transparent. Yet his supporters still don't get it. I am very skeptical of the "if only there was a progressive talking to them." There are! The most progressive people in democratic party, such as AOC and Bernie do exactly that! Help the working class, *including* in rural America is a focal point of their campaigns. But the number of these people who are Trump supporters, but also like AOC and Bernie seems incredibly tiny. The conclusion I find myself unable to avoid is that there is a serious cultural problem for much of the country that cannot be fixed by merely talking to this portion of the population. I'm at a complete loss for how to solve it. If you have suggestions, I'm very open to them, but I just cannot believe that this is solved by a politicians talking nicely to them.
  3. There are plenty of interpretations of the term that are not nearly as bad and absolutist as the one you ascribed to him. Notice that the very first response to your elaboration of what you thought it meant was someone disagreeing with you that the term meant that? You're assuming way too much from such a small off-hand remark.
  4. Well if you were previously assuming the least charitable position of someone and holding that who wins doesn't matter, you were wrong then too
  5. Very worried for the following reasons. 1. Even low probability events should worry you if the effect is consequential enough. 2. I'm quite concerned about the voting situation we're in with Covid, the deterioration of the the USPS, and the active efforts the GOP is taking to *not* count votes. 3. I'm quite concerned about how people are going to respond regardless of the outcome. Assuming someone is using the wokest meaning of the term, especially @mclumber1 is rather uncharitable. Please don't become James Lindsay. Biden is far from my favorite candidate, but the difference between him and Trump is overwhelming. You're deluding yourself if you think otherwise and it's frankly baffling that after 2020, let alone these last 4 years, you think it doesn't matter. Please slap yourself and get your perspective back.
  6. You have a really nice PC with a 3080. It will be hard to top that hardware wise, so I'd just wait until it has enough exclusives you really want. That's what I did with PS4.
  7. @Mr.Vic20 I think I'll probably also need to upgrade my HDMI cable. I have a supposedly "high speed" one but I bought it like a year ago and I think it's not really up to snuff. Do you know which cables are actually legit?
  8. Looks like it's not over their TV updater yet (at least not yet for me). If it doesn't release there soon, I'll scavenge for a USB stick.
  9. I feel like he will perpetually be the same age he was in The Last Crusade in my mind, but 90 is a good run. Sad day.
  10. Absolutely try some medication, it can help a lot. While I haven't been through depression per se myself, I have gone through some really bad anxiety issues within the last few years which is generally in the same medical boat. I got some medication and after a few months I was kind of reset and okay without it. Maybe you'd need it for longer, but since it seems like it was triggered for you, rather than a lifetime issue, it might not be something you'd have to be on for long. That said, not every medicine is a good fit for someone, and it may take some searching, but I highly recommend you try,
  11. I'm still happy I got a 3080 for reasons already discussed, but I'm glad to see AMD stepping up.
  12. I am fortunate that basically every family member I actually talk to is very opposed to Trump. I'd be losing my mind with them otherwise.
  13. This is tempting, but I am reluctant to install a Korean release of the firmware manually. Maybe it will be fine, but makes me wonder if it will somehow mess up my OS upgrades in the future. I'm very glad to hear it works though!
  14. He's fought a stutter his whole life. I don't like the idea of a very old president's either, but given that I'm not sure you can attribute it to declining cognition.
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