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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Using resin is grindy stuff that isn't really fun in the first place, waste your primogems on it if you want more. 🤷‍♀️
  2. I think what it comes down to is most people / gamers at the end of the day just want to play some video games. They will overlook (or not even pay attention to) any sort of controversy and wrongdoing by the companies that bring them out and in some cases be willing to give them even more money for the games. And if someone does want to send a message to the company their message will likely get swallowed by the masses or protected by other video game companies (something like steam reviews marking reviews "off topic") It seems like one of the few areas this has an effect is music artists, but even many are willing to overlook such heinous acts as well (R. Kelly, Michael Jackson, etc)
  3. The Handmaiden: 8/10 - In my mind this and Parasite released around the same time (turns out they were 3 years apart). I felt the two movies were kind of similar to each other, both seemingly about grifters trying to take advantage of rich people, but this movie goes a little deeper. And while Parasite kind of fell apart towards the end The Handmaiden really comes together at the end.
  4. I think you heard wrong. Jason was the one who said the HUMOR was like Borderlands and Jeff said it wasn't quite that bad. All in all it sounds like they didn't hate it but it doesn't sound like this is the game that will get me to stop playing Genshin Impact, basically the same game but free.
  5. Well, it's no surprise if you watch eveyrone's favorite guy |||||||||| who stated that most of a video game's budget goes into marketing.
  6. I dunno. Oscar Issac seems to have too smooth of a voice. Snake needs to have some grit in his voice.
  7. A lot of people scream for the non mmo KOTOR but have they ever tried it? I've already said my piece on it a number of times but they should really give it a shot.
  8. Keyser_Soze

    I'm 31.

    You're almost there, happy birthday!
  9. Eh, you can get by those things if you just put a different address on those postage paid envelopes you get in the mail already.
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