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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. At this point I don't even have to play the game I'll just watch all these youtube videos.
  2. I never really thought they were great games, merely ok but certainly a step down from MGS and Splinter Cell, the game it was kind of trying to be but not really.
  3. Pro version of this game has negligible differences between the regular and pro so play away!
  4. Twisted Metal 2. I played this a lot on OG playstation but my friend came over several years later and wanted to play it. Game ran sub 30fps and was almost unbearable to play.
  5. Not sure why it didn't come to mind since I'm currently playing it, always been fond of the Monster Hunter bedroom Although I liked the one on the 3DS because you could plop down on the bed
  6. Once you get past the prologue area it gets pretty cool. As for the combat, try playing more stealthily. Scan weak spots on the enemies and knock them off from afar. When you get upgraded start using the ropecaster and hack away and yeah there is more than setting traps or going brute force.
  7. It's BC but if you have a potato to run it on it's recommended you go PC since it was patched to include a bunch of content that was cut because the game was rushed to make a holiday release.
  8. Hmm weird. After I posted that Moa's changed. Yours still looks bad though.
  9. Man some of you guys using the lowest res images possible. The bigger problem is that it's stretching a 200x113 image to 1000 x 565 ( WTF @Emblazon?)
  10. Will the making of be a better movie than the actual Tomb Raider movie that came to theaters?
  11. Does Desmond's prison bedroom from AC1 count? It's like an unsafe safe space.
  12. Anyone who is younger than I am is a millennial, that’s the rule.
  13. 3) They have infinite copies of this game. The best reason to pre-order anything is if there is limited stock you you won't get a copy.
  14. Here are the standings after day 2 The thing that stands out to me after 2 days is the strength of the North American teams. I always thought VGJ Storm would be good but what's surprising is that EG is looking good, they've looked bad all year. Not quite sure I'm ready to drink the kool aid yet but they are looking good. Kinda feel bad for W33 on Pain Gaming, he's basically carrying the team. It's too bad he can't be on a better team. I wish Winstrike was doing better. That's about it for now, you can all go back to ignoring this thread.
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