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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I don't think he's even a real true believer in white nationalism, it just happens to be profitable. From 2000 - 2008 he worked at CNN, PBS, and MSNBC so it's not like he's above sleeping with the enemy. He doesn't fucking care. Like yeah sure, dude fucking loves white people, but a race war would be bad for business while a constant moral panic about a perpetually imminent one IS business.
  2. Yeah I don't think right wing media would broadcast The Jesus Christ Show. Or cable in general
  3. Obviously individual competitors care about competition and want the playing field to be level, it would be disingenuous to claim otherwise. But that is absolutely not what the broader trans athlete panic is about at all and it's silly to pretend that it is. Nobody here is a child, this is the same exact fucking playbook we've gone through during our lifetimes with gay rights. If we let gay men and boys share locker rooms with straight men and boys, they won't be safe! Think of the opportunities for grooming! I'm not a hateful person I just don't think I should have to be in a position where someone might get their gay AIDS blood get on me during a match! They they added a "fair play" formation to the playbook doesn't make any of their shit more legitimate.
  4. Fox is going to be fine, in relatively recent history the torch has been passed, however unwillingly, from O'Reilly, to Hannity, and then to Carlson. Perhaps at some point the network will run out of aggrieved white men who can clutch their pearls while doing sleight of hand to suggest that it is, in fact, everyone else in the nation that's got a death grip on their jewelry. But I don't think that'll be a problem for them in the long run. As for Carlson himself, he's not a stupid man and I don't think he'd look at what Trump and DeSantis have been put through by the GOP base and decide that he wants a piece. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows.
  5. I did read the article. I maintain that gun ownership for personal safety has a negative risk / reward ratio regardless of the unique circumstances or demographics that would lead someone to conclude it’s the correct personal decision. I’m not going to flatter myself to the point where I can say, “I get it,” and actually put myself in someone else’s shoes, but at the end of the day a gun in a home is a gun in the home.
  6. All of this makes sense when you consider the fact that he's a fucking moron.
  7. Catching up on this now. Episode 4: What does this show want me to think of Keeley at this point? I feel like the first 2 seasons were building her up to be a "not actually dumb" kind of character that cares a lot about her friends and takes herself and her job seriously. Now she's making obviously terrible nepo hires and doesn't even know the name of who funded her company? Or that she's a woman? It's a bit goofy that the team takes Ted's whole vibe to heart to such a degree that they've become more open people, but have a reaction to Nate's trashing of the Believe sign that Ted would very obviously not want them to have. How the supporting characters on this show behave is just totally dependent on whatever that scene needs. The show also seems to think the Ted / Nate dynamic is much more interesting than it is or ever has been. Then the show does a really great job of threading the needle of how Ted talks to his wife about her relationship with their therapist. I think that would be a really easy bag to fumble, but they didn't. Good stuff. Episode 5: Roy's revenge plan was great. I'm glad that Keeley fired her friend, that arc wasn't long but it was already too long. Was nice to see Ted interact with the team outside of a sewer this season! I wonder if the Zava experiment is actually over? If he ends up on West Ham I'm going to shit myself. Again with Keeley... she's fucking her boss now? I guess we'll see where this goes, but ugh. Nate remains so much less interesting than the time spent on him suggests. Episode 6: HOW DOES TED NOT KNOW WHAT A FRIENDLY IS. HE MUST HAVE COACHED MANY FRIENDLIES SINCE HE HAS BEEN RICHMOND'S COACH. The stuff with Trent and Colin ending up with Trent also being gay was the only angle that a show like this could reasonably take, so I'm glad they didn't fuck it up. And I'm always glad when queer characters get shown in a positive light. But much like with Keeley this season I just don't know that the juice is worth the squeeze. There are only a few episodes left and it would be wildly out of character for the team to react negatively to Colin being gay given that main characters like Jamie and Roy don't care about Keeley being bi. I agree with other folks here that boat man's parting shot to the camera was weird. I think the obvious intent is that "yes we did" is meant to imply that they made a connection, not that they had sex. But Rebecca is clearly asking about sex, so I don't know why they'd gum things up like that. Anyway the last 2 episodes were very entertaining and more in line with what I think the show does best in general, those foibles aside. I just wish that if Nate's relationship with Ted is going to be one of the focal points of this season that there was a better foundation for that reconciliation to be built upon.
  8. The man wants people to buy blue checks and is also unironically handing them out as punishments.
  9. I keep waiting for the wheels to fall off New Hampshire. I don't know how it hasn't happened yet with its tax rate, but I don't pay enough attention to it to go on anything other than vibes.
  10. There's almost no doubt that formerly verified users are getting blue checks in response to the "block the blue" groundswell.
  11. Homeboy's main page was some excellent block list fodder. EDIT - he's retweeting Glenn Beck shit, I honestly thought Glenn Beck was dead.
  12. Apparently legacy verified accounts still have that status, it's just hidden in the UI. If you do a search for: "filter:verified -filter:blue_verified" on twitter without the quotes it shows legacy verified accounts. Imagine strapping yourself to a rocket bankrolled by this motherfucker.
  13. I do think that the tone has shifted since season 1. Even if you don't account for an episode like the Lizzo / Jack Black one which has moments of straight up camp, both Din and the show have mellowed out a bit.
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