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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. What is, “freedom never kneels except for god,” supposed to mean?
  2. Decided to treat myself to these as a self congratulations for getting a new job. They're really quite good. The sound and noise cancellation are great, and I find that they fit my absolutely enormous head very comfortably, to the point where I wonder if they'd feel secure on someone with a small to normal sized skull. Worth the money? Hard to say. I've had a nice pair of Sennheisers and I like the AirPods Max a good bit better than those, actually. I also have a set of wired, open air Grados and those sound and feel very different, which isn't a surprise. Assuming I ever go back into an office again, these would probably be the optimal gear for that environment... isolating, very good sound, and an easy toggle between cancellation and passthrough mode.
  3. Yeah, this is where I'm at after one viewing. Also I know this isn't a novel take, but man Nolan's female characters are pretty reliably problematic.
  4. Watched Tenet last night. I giggled every time “inaudible” came up on the subtitles. Aside from that, I’ll need to watch it again, but my initial thoughts are that this is a generally somewhat badly directed and very sincerely acted... middling movie? I dunno. For all of Nolan’s comments about not all storytelling needing to be via dialog, this movie has A LOT of dialog. Some of it cannot really be heard, and much of it is not good. Kenneth Branagh’s accent is pretty bad. And while a couple of the small scale action scenes are very cool, the big skirmish at the end is just... boring. Lots of wide shots where some people are running forwards and others in reverse, and a lot of inverted explosions. You put Elizabeth Debicki in a bikini like the one Ursula Andress wore, it’s a Nolan James Bond movie, I get it. But James Bond movies tend to be fun and Tenet takes itself so seriously other than a joke about how the protagonist needs to wear suits nicer than Brooks Brothers. I don’t think any of Nolan’s movies are super deep, but the best ones either have something to say or explore the theme in an interesting way. Memento kinda makes you feel like the protagonist by going in reverse, Inception has its protagonist obsess over reality only to stop caring when he sees his kids, etc. For a movie with a lot of time spent discussing fate, time, and causality, I don’t think Tenet really has anything to say about any of it. It’s a weird one.
  5. Insert Mission Impossible 7: COVID Protocol joke here.
  6. I'm 50ish hours in, and I suspect this is how I'll feel at the end. A couple more ways to break into places to make the exploration a bit more engaging, making the combat a bit more challenging, and a little more incentives around the homestead and the game would have been really exceptional. As it stands, it's still very good.
  7. That's the part of the show that's aged the worst, ditching it completely would not be a meaningful loss for me.
  8. I also wonder about the extent to which some of this stuff was happening behind the scenes the whole time, it's just that CDPR didn't have the rep that Wild Hunt earned them paired up with the gaming press not giving as much of a shit about worker treatment back when it came out.
  9. In Rebels it's made pretty clear that the clones are old, the Empire has great contempt for them, and they were all essentially released from service. So I don't know if there are literally zero clones in service, but it's a safe assumption that after RotJ there just aren't many left and one strutting up to a terminal would be notable unless there happened to be one in that specific garrison. Not especially practical logistically speaking, but... it's canon.
  10. Sorry, yesterday was my last day at my job. Don't start a new one until 2021 so should have time to play in the next few weeks.
  11. I thought so too until Mando used it; Mando told the thirsty lady from season 1 he hasn't taken his helmet off in front of someone since he was a kid.
  12. Agreed 100%. Honestly this is how I prefer Star Wars canon be approached. Respect the tone, worship the characters, and obey the rule of cool. Someone explain to me the logic behind the Imperial terminal. You basically need to: 1) Have a visible face 2) Not be a clone, or someone like Luke Skywalker, I guess 3) No other criteria It just doesn't matter. Also the show knows how much everyone who watches it loves Grogu, and it makes its characters feel the same way which is so smart. "Congrats on the new job. I need you to help me break someone out of prison." "lolno my benefits haven't even kicked in yet" "They took baby Yoda." "Let's ride."
  13. Yeah, the bra is gnarly but you know we’ll be seeing more of them now. EDIT - Also I have the same problem with headphones that I do with controllers. These things are ugly and I want them REAL BAD.
  14. Oof that’s too much unless I find some stacks somewhere... or if I get REALLY bored one day.
  15. Tomorrow’s my last day at my job; I’ll be leaving a place I’ve been for 14 years and the only spot I’ve worked at since grad school. Going to be in the same general area, just a different facet and moving to the industry side. I’ve got some anxiety leaving a place I’ve been for so long but I’m excited about the new opportunity.
  16. Yeah, I don’t think there’s anything in that scene that really indicates when it’s taking place, though it would be a little weird to have it be set after what we’re seeing on the Mandalorian.
  17. The Landlord’s Game was supposed to do that, the variant that became Monopoly was supposed to demonstrate why being the one holding a monopoly was awesome.
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