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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I can already see the, “won’t SOMEONE think of the landlords,” articles in my mine’s eye.
  2. I wish I could take credit for it; I saw it in a reply to someone I follow on twitter and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head since.
  3. My lighting freaks out during cutscenes now. Sometimes it’s an annoying flash or two, other times it flashes at a ridiculous clip. Super annoying.
  4. I really don't think they're going to cut Grogu from the show for long.
  5. I laughed so hard reading that thread I went to CVS and bought Gatorade to replenish my electrolytes.
  6. It starts a little slow, though not nearly as rough as the Clone Wars cartoon movie. But by the middle of season 1 through the end it generally hovers between good to excellent with maybe one or two stumbles, and none of those are as bad as the “turns out Jar Jar fucks” episode of Clone Wars. Season 2’s finale is just... chef’s kiss. I know you’re just starting but I can’t want for you to get there! Also if you watch it on Disney+... just accept that the splash images they use for the show when you select an episode AND the show selection image itself on the main D+ menu BOTH have spoilers! No idea why they did that... but they did! There’s a separate Star Wars Rebels Shorts thing in the Disney+ library, separate from the main show. If you end up there accidentally and wonder why there’s only one season and the episodes are 3 minutes king, that’s why Edit - meant to say 3 minutes long, but king works so I’m leaving it
  7. The camera angles in a couple of the Valkyrie fights in GoW were inexcusably bad. The game has that problem more often than it should overall but it's especially egregious in some of the valk battles.
  8. This is a good point as well, and it gets to the heart of how I personally approach canon in all my media now, which is that (generally) do not care. In one movie Stormies are ace, in another they suck, Stormies in armor get clowned on by blasters in one shot, Leia takes a blast in a tunic and she's okay, etc. It's all fine.
  9. Yeah the genie’s been out of that particular bottle forever now. So much of the canon just doesn’t work if Stormtroopers can aim or had more than a couple neurons rattling around upstairs.
  10. I can appreciate that the galaxy feels small when the Skywalkers are loadbearing for so much of the foundation of the mythos but given the era this show inhabits, it's inevitable to an extent. Likewise I don't think we "needed" Luke to get his own Vader hallway scene, but I appreciate that where he was as a character at that time jives with the way he behaved here. I'm glad that small segment of "Luke stans but not TLJ chuds" got their moment. And I'm always in favor of a payday for Mark Hamill, so no regrets. The Empire having a dope ass weapon that ultimately ends up getting dunked on is 100% on brand, so no issues there. All the combat stuff with Mando in this episode was really fun to watch. The only nit I have to pick with this season writ large as it pertains to action... man I know Stormtroopers aren't great, but they get John Wick'd by EVERYONE this season. Shit they got the drop on Fennec and Cara in the finale and they didn't even shoot! Rarely has plot armor been so thick. And I know that Filoni will never, ever do anything that remotely contradicts or calls out Lucas, but man I get bummed out whenever the canon leans into characters being special because of blood purity. At least in this show it's just the Empire doing it instead of it being the justification for the coolness of our protagonists. I dunno that I feel that this show / season was especially well written. But it wears its heart on its sleeve and does right by its characters almost 100% of the time. It looks rad, it sounds rad, and all of that lumped together is really all I'm ever looking for from Star Wars. Peak Star Wars for me currently is, in no particular order... ESB, TLJ, Rebels season 2 finale episodes, and Rebels season 4 finale episodes. This show is probably on the cusp of that list, depending on how things shake out.
  11. What is is specifically about Jabba’s throne that gives everyone the gout? Can we get Boba some prophylactic NSAIDS or bacta or something?
  12. Honest question that I don't mean to come off dickish... why? If you're not going to play it, by the time it hits next gen systems and you have a console to play it on... just buy it then? There's a non trivial chance it'll be cheaper, too.
  13. Nintendo has, in my opinion, a completely undeserved reputation for hardware quality. The NES is one of the least reliable pieces of successful gaming hardware. Nostalgia has made it seem like it was a quaint thing to have to blow on or reposition carts all the time to get them to play, any system that treated discs this way would get torched and rightfully so. The original Game Boy had a ton of screen quality issues. The SNES looked like it smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day after being next to your TV for a year. The N64 controller's analog sticks were shockingly bad. I don't know if I've ever seen a Nintendo DS lite without cracked hinges. The original 3DS bezel fucked up the upper screen when the system was closed. Switch joycon drift is an inexcusable problem. I honestly don't know where their reputation for hardware quality comes from, it's completely baffling to me.
  14. Ubisoft got a much milder version of this when Black Flag (I believe) came out and some of the content you see in the modern world included emails where developers bitched about working for an out of touch corporation. They just don't care.
  15. I confess to liking expensive accessories. It’s an annoying trait but I’ve come to own it.
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