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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. He doesn’t wanna be near the unwashed pools that will almost certainly be there in greater force than they were on the 6th.
  2. Him not doing this ASAP last night means he’s even dumber than I thought he was, which was a HIGH bar to clear.
  3. I don’t know what I want the police response to be when a significant number of our elected officials are gathered in one space... but it’s not this. I’m generally in favor of non-violent policing and I don’t want to see anyone get blown away, but it’s but by the grace of the gods I do not believe in that none of these chucklefucks had a bomb or got to a spot where they could, say, selectively liquidate Senators.
  4. Nothing matters. I hope everyone got into the market as early as possible, I haven’t seen profits like this since playing Dope Wars on my TI-85 in 1997.
  5. Now that Congress knows how people feel during school shootings maybe they’ll do something ab.. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I ALMOST GOT IT OUT
  6. Just do it already, you fucking cowards. Imagine being trusted with launch codes and not your Facebook account.
  7. Also I’ve been thinking a lot about Star Wars and have come to the conclusion that Darth Vader being redeemed for one good act after a lifetime of shitty ones is no longer unrealistic. Assuming Pence 25th Amendment’s Trump out of the building, he’ll absolutely be warmly remembered more for that than a lifetime of shit eating.
  8. IO Interactive had better update every Hitman level to just let 47 walk anywhere and do anything.
  9. So I’m playing Spider-Man Remastered on the PS5, and towards the end of the game on the hardest difficulty level, the enemies, in general, do not take turns to hit you. If you have 10 dudes on the map, not all of them will attack at the same time, but you will for sure have 2 dudes with guns shooting, a turret shooting, an RPG aiming at you, and a couple melee guys getting in there.crowd control is much more of a thing. With the right suit upgrades and a lot of focus, it’s still not SUPER challenging, but dropping into stop some of the late game crimes is still a risk much more so than the combat here. I wish more 3rd person action games took that approach.
  10. Remember tho the issue with BLM was the lack of a clear message, they really should have had their shit together.
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