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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Buy guns before the liberals make them illegal. Then sell them for a huge profit on the black market.
  2. The Stage is an awful name. What was wrong with Entertainment?
  3. Ex Machina have no idea if it looks good but I love the movie.
  4. It’s just something that immediately jumps out at me if the length is obviously off.
  5. So it’s not ok to pee in a pool but it is ok to pee on marine life?
  6. Windows companies fucking wish they could create a laptop that is even half as good as the MacBook
  7. We need to bring in the expert on this subject @The def star
  8. So if you are wearing correctly fitting pants and the person next to you is wearing super tight pants, you’re not going to care because baggy pants is your pet peeve? Tie was patterned and normal sized which IMO makes it worse than a short skinny tie. No tie clip. The rest of it was fine.
  9. Person’s pants are too tight. And I’m not talking about pants that fit well, they’re too tight.
  10. Apparently they didn’t suck when fans claimed they ruined the NBA. NOW they suck. Lol
  11. The A’s are fucking coming. Protect your asshole @thewhyteboar
  12. That girl’s twitter is annoying as hell. She’s one of those Hilary loyalists who endorses assaulting the alt right. I used to think she was a good follow before 2016 but she completely lost her shit.
  13. They both date(d) Pete Davidson so I think they’re both a little fucked in the head.
  14. She’s the daughter of Stephen baldwin? God, it makes the Selena choice even easier. At least Selena isn’t marrying Bieber. And Baldwin is 21. She’s incapable of making good decisions. This detracts from the attractiveness.
  15. Musk has done some cool shit. I find it hard to actually dislike the guy even if he’s a whishful thinking attention whore.
  16. If you go through 10 straws per day you need to find a reusable straw.
  17. Brand New - The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me 10/10 still one of the greatest albums ever made
  18. But the democrats don’t let trump have what he wants according to him
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