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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. It wasn't even during dinner. What a fucking day to do it, eh? Right when 75% of dentists aren't working.
  2. They should at least offer to help, but it shouldn't be expected tbh.
  3. I mean... If a mRNA vaccine for a virus fucked your shit up, guess what else would have almost certainly fucked your shit up even more? ... The actual virus. That's how vaccines work.
  4. See, this is what I mean. Tom Hanks and Tim Allen were iconic in Toy Story, but were they necessary? Was shelling out the budget to get them necessary? Or would people have gone to see the movie regardless, and someone else could have done it? (I recognize that a full 3D movie was a new thing at the time, so they were just hedging their bets) Pixar and Disney, for the most part, don't get giant celebrities to play their voiced characters. Who was the biggest actor in Frozen? Kristen Bell? Sure, she's famous, but not like Chris Pratt famous. She was still doing fucking network TV, both before and after Frozen. Name a single voice actor from Brave without looking it up. Brave certainly had some accomplished actors in the cast, but no big celebrities. There are exceptions, like Disney pretty much designing Genie around Robin Williams or Dwayne Johnson in Moana. But no one designed Mario or Garfield around Chris Pratt. They're just shoving his voice in there because they think there's a large enough audience out there that was on the fence about seeing the movie before they went "ooooh, but Chris Pratt is in it!" which I think is absurd. And before anyone says "well that's different, it's Disney" - NOT when Frozen came out. Disney was coming off the back of Tangled, but that was pretty much their first universally acclaimed animated movie in well over a decade.
  5. It's just like the tale as old as time of studio execs learning the exact wrong reasons for why movies succeed/fail. Like how when they renamed "John Carter of Mars" to "John Carter." Why did they do that? Because Disney had just recently released a movie called "Mars Needs Moms" that bombed, and even though those movies had nothing to do with each other at all, the execs at Disney thought "CLEARLY people just don't like movies with Mars in the title." ... THAT's the lesson you learned? Not that the movie sucked, not that it was unclear who the audience was, not that no one seemed to have a clear vision on what the film even was, no... people didn't watch it because it had "Mars" in the title.
  6. You know what I don't get - why do studios keep spending tons of money to get top-bill voice talent for animated films? They don't have to. Think to yourself - who is the intended audience for this movie? Is it kids? Because I don't think kids give half a shit if Chris Pratt or Samuel L Jackson are voicing the characters. Is it their older millennial parents looking for a nostalgia hit? Because I sincerely doubt they do either. So why does some producer think "you know what would REALLY push this film over the edge? Chris Pratt and Samuel L Jackson." What audience do they think they're going to reach who weren't going to watch this movie anyway? "Yes, this just increased or voice acting budget by millions of dollars, but think of all the hundreds of people in the world who will now watch this movie BECAUSE Chris Pratt voices Garfield!"
  7. 100%. It's a neat thing we can do, and I'm sure there could be a useful thing it could be useful for some day, but it is not this day. Almost all of what it gets used for is selling things with forced artificial scarcity, or FARTS for short. That doesn't mean the technology has no value, it just means that for now it's just blowing wind. Wait until someone applies the concept to something that isn't immediately about making themselves a ton of money for nothing.
  8. Sure, some people hate living in apartments. I, for one, long for the day where I could have a wall that isn't somehow shared (I haven't had that in years). The problem is that, in most of America/Canada, you are ONLY allowed to build single family 3/4 bedroom homes. For the most part, that is the only new housing that ever gets built. The few apartment/condo buildings that get built both come with so much red tape and are in such high demand that they become luxury housing by default.
  9. I still think NFTs could be useful in some capacity in the digital world. But 99.9% of people used NFTs and shit coins as a get rich quick scheme which has fully imploded at this point. The bottom fell out of the pyramid.
  10. I mean... 2400 new single-family homes in subdivisions is not the kind of housing we need. We need fucking townhomes and apartment buildings. We need the missing middle. Adding 2400 single family homes addresses the housing crisis the same way adding a 10% off coupon to prime grade steaks addresses hunger. Cool, the venn diagram of the people who have money for steak but not enough money for GOOD steak is like having the circles barely touch. By creating nothing but single family homes, we are catering to a smaller and smaller market. Not to mention the environmental impacts of development further away from cities, which makes the environmental impact worse.
  11. Prog music that my girlfriend doesn't fucking hate, that's an incredible achievement.
  12. They do this weird thing with the dialogue that no one else has ever done. Like they have everyone speak in a passive third person (perish the thought, etc) in a way that is immediately distracting but kind of grows on you over time. But it doesn't ever sound natural.
  13. Gotta hate sticking your finger through that TP.
  14. I've been watching series 1 of Spartacus and holy balls is it cheesy. Far more than Black Sails ever was (and that had more than its fair share of cheese)
  15. I actually just started rewatching the series (plus I never finished it to begin with), so this is good news! Probably, I don't know.
  16. I'll say it, since everyone is thinking it... ... Vin Diesel as Link.
  17. So I've been kind of getting into heavy music again. Heavy music is a lot of fun to play. There is a band that I used to love called The Agony Scene. They have two songs in particular that make me hard. This one, called "The Darkest Red" And this one called "Scars of Your Disease" Are the vocals good? Not particularly. Is the song structure good? Not particularly. Is the mix good? Hell no, it sounds terrible. But I listen to it and I want to raise my grandma from the dead just so I can slap her in the face. And I love my grandma, she was a gem. I'm just having a hard time conveying the amount of stank face I exhibit when I hear these songs. SLAP YOUR GRANMDA.
  18. I hope you and the missus treat yourselves to something splendiferous.
  19. WHY DID REVOLUTIONARY FRANCE NOT SWITCH TO METRIC MONTHS ... This question keeps me up at night
  20. YOU FUCKING DONUT seriously though, watch British Bake Off if you're ever having a bad day. It's the most wholesome reality show there is.
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