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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. I shall take your thoughtful input and incorporate it into all of my future interactions. Thank you.
  2. I had an iPhone for a few years, it was alright. I can't say I particularly care whether I have Apple or Android much. I had two iPhones, both of which I got for free. Then I got a Google pixel for free. The phone I have now (Pixel 4a 5g) is the first phone in like a decade I actually paid for, and I got it for like $350 a little over a year after it came out. I've had it for 2 years. It's still doing fine other than I need to get the charging port fixed (which costs like $50 at a repair store, if that) The price of phones drops so much so fast for me to ever consider buying a new one at launch when the upgrades are usually so minimal.
  3. A coworker of mine just bought one and uses it to play old light gun games, it's pretty dope. Kind of makes me want one
  4. As the former owner of a cat, I totally get what you mean.
  5. Wasn't there that big deal a few years ago where some of the voice actors from (I think) GTA V were pissed that they had no idea they were working on GTA V? So essentially the video game devs would purposefully keep voice actors in the dark about what they were working on (allegedly) because if they knew, they would definitely want more money. I could have sworn that was a thing...
  6. To be fair, it doesn't sound like a remake at all. It even says in the article that some of the actors might reprise their roles in some capacity. It sounds more like a sequel. I mean... it's a mockumentary about office culture. It's not exactly like that concept gets old, and the show ended 10 years ago. You could easily make a new version of the show every 10 years with new characters and jokes.
  7. Just don't declare it, banking on the fact that there's a 99.9% chance they won't search your shit. If they do and bust you, just say "whoops, my bad," and it won't be that bad. #shittylifeprotips
  8. Oh you're absolutely right. The thing that Hillary's campaign fucked up more than anything was ignoring the middle american working class. At least Trump pretended to give a shit about them. Hillary never tried (she'll never live down the "basket of deplorables" debacle). The amount of power that can be derived from a simple "I see you and I hear you" is immense, regardless of actual policy. It's easy for Donald Trump to win people over, even though he actively fights against their interests, because at least he acknowledges them. With Biden joining the picket line, he can go "here's what we're ACTUALLY doing for workers' rights," which leaves Donald on the back foot. Like I said, I think he was kind of forced into it because he loves to suck corporate dick and someone in his camp was like "this is an easy W if we just show up for a couple days," but it's still a good thing.
  9. Well slap my ass and call me sally Granted (yes, I'm going to be a negative nancy for a moment), there's no way Biden could afford NOT to do it after Trump said he would, so he was kind of forced into it, but still.. good things deserve recognition.
  10. I pretty much stop playing games between like April-September every year. Not consciously, really, it's just something I do for some reason. I burn myself out and then spend a few months playing The Sims or Stardew Valley, if I play anything at all. Starting around now, I start to pick things up again. It happens every single year.
  11. It feels like 75% of the people there are dressing up ironically, but where the line between "this is a costume" turns into "I ALWAYS have my hair in a mullet and wear cowboy boots, thank you very much!" gets very blurry. Even most of the people who wear their hair in a mullet but hate country music lost their sense of irony long ago. ... I don't know, where whatever you want and bro down at the hoe down.
  12. Even with music, I pay for YouTube premium, which comes with YouTube music, which has all of the music Spotify does.
  13. I, too, would love to know which sites of these... to avoid... for moral reasons. It sucks rarbg shut down. It's kind of wild to me that the film/tv industry basically all but fucking killed piracy. For years. You used to be able to get damn near anything pirated before the damn thing even came out, now finding anything even remotely resembling good quality from a site that is anything close to trustworthy is damn near impossible. Meanwhile, the music industry just adapted. Sure, not everyone is happy under the new Spotify empire, but piracy in music is all but eradicated and has been for a decade.
  14. I don't get pineapple on pizza that often, but when I'm in the mood for it, there's nothing better.
  15. I weirdly hate Bill Maher more than Sean Hannity, and that's before the scab stuff. I'm not sure why. Like, we're allegedly on the same side but he's such a fucking piece of shit that I'm like I would rather be in a room with Sean Hannity. (I do know some of why, it's because he's an ultimate neoliberal fuckstick, because he thinks religions is bad and abortion is good he can say shit like millennials don't want to work and things would be peachy if we all just kept sucking that sweet, sweet, corporate overlord dick.) He's, like, baaaaaarely more liberal than my dad, and my dad would 100% vote republican if they ran Mitt Romney again.
  16. The dude is a well-known creep, or at least he was for a long time. He started dating a 14 year old when he was like 25 (to be fair, if there is a musician you were a fan of who was active in the 80's, there seems to be like a 80% they were fucking school girls at one point. Like that one time Steven Tyler had his 15-year old girlfriend's parents transfer her guardianship to him so he could take her on tour). At one point he was convicted of sexual battery. I've never personally met him but my cousin has on multiple occasions and apparently he's always had this "I'm hollywood, fuck you, I do what I want" vibe. Not to mention he did everything he could to try to tank Mike Patton's career for like 2 decades. Like I said, I've never personally met him, but between everything I've heard about him that's been published online or that I've heard through second-hand sources, the dude is a major-league piece of shit. That being said, I love Blood Sugar Sex Magik.
  17. Aaaand just like that, I think it's over. Not a huge deal, her work schedule changed and now we only have one day a week that we both have off and don't have to be up early in the morning (we both work late). Obligation is the killer of any early relationship. Like, I HAVE to hang out with you on this one day we both have, then I feel guilty if I don't want to even though I'd rather just stay inside all day, which makes hanging out with you feel like a duty, not a choice, which kind of kills the mood... it happens. It kind of happens a lot when you work in bars. It's an ironically lonely existence.
  18. I try not to imagine Anthony Kiedis at all. Dudes a bit of a creep.
  19. Honestly, I thought I would keep with a theme or even a color scheme, but I didn't. And now I kind of like that my tattoos are a bunch of disconnected nonsense. I was walking to work the other day and someone said "you look so punk rock!" At the time I just said "thank you," but as I walked I was like... I'm not sure that's what I was going for"... but then I was like.. you know what, she's right. It's very fitting.
  20. In my experience with libertarians or anarchists (I used to be one after all), I find it's like... we may very well disagree strongly about how to solve problems, but we can at least agree on what the problems are. I can work with that. We can build bridges. With Republicans, it's like they live in fantasy land. They live in a world where the 50s/60s never ended (nevermind the fact that in the 50s and 60s, something like a third of all workers in America were part of a union, we don't talk about that). We can't agree on solving problems if you deny that there is one to begin with. You were fed some fantasy idea of what America was that corporations have fed to you for decades and you bought it.
  21. I really liked 3 at the time, but I've never had any desire to replay it. And I still don't. I didn't like 2 that much at the time, yet I still played through it like 3 times (of course that could also be because it was a much shorter experience) Dragon Age: Origins is absolutely one of my favorite RPGs ever made.
  22. That's where I'm at. Like, as far as "both sides"ing things goes, you can absolutely say that both Democrats and Republicans are supreme dicksuckers of our corporate overlords (though not in equal measure, to be sure), but it's like at least Democrats aren't actively trying to strip rights away from everyone who isn't a wealthy heterosexual cisgender white christian.
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