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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. I went to Tsukiji once. We meant to go really early in the morning when they still have all the good shit but we got way too drunk the night before and didn't get there until like 9am Pretty much my life story the entire time I lived in Japan, tbh... "Meant to do that, but got drunk..."
  2. I love this thread so much. God bless America.
  3. Inb4 it won't get tapped because it's still cheaper to import it from slave labor in the DRC or wherever, and the only way to avoid that will be to give massive corporations subsidies to follow the bare minimum labor standards so they don't ever have to pay taxes.
  4. Japan is somewhere everyone should visit at least once, I'm glad you're getting the opportunity.
  5. To be fair, I think a lot of Democrats are shit, too (dare I say most of them), but I would still vote for them. I'm sure plenty Republicans outside the Trump-o-sphere feel the same way about their politicians.
  6. In pretty sure I had to shit just from reading the thread title. I would say it's all my years of alcoholism that made me hate breakfast, but I didn't like breakfast when I was a kid, either. No food down my gullet for at least 4-5 hours after I wake up. And also I just learned that for most of human history, breakfast wasn't really a thing. Breakfast is a relatively recent invention.
  7. It makes me glad that other people have come around to "if you are against abortion in any case, you should be against it in every case." I've been saying that for damn near a decade and I used to get flamed for it. If abortion is murder, then the child being a product of rape doesn't make it any less murder. You can't just say "murder is okay if the mother was raped." That fucking fetus didn't rape anyone. "Abortion is wrong because fetuses are people... unless their mother was raped, then let me introduce our little friend to Mount Taygetus." *yeet* Get the fuck out of here with that shit. People get uncomfortable when confronted with the logical conclusion of being "pro-life." That should tell you all you need to know. One side says "abortion is something that should be decided by every woman on a case by case basis," the other says "ALL ABORTION IS WRONG... except when it isn't..."
  8. I think crab is great, it's crawfish that are way too much work.
  9. Okay but the main question everyone is asking... Does your peepee look like a slightly oversized clit when you're done?
  10. Considering the Texas rangers were literally created to keep escaped slaves from crossing the border into Mexico (where slavery was illegal), this will have come full circle.
  11. I got a few hours into it earlier this year, but I think I just wasn't in the mood for an action game. I also think it happened at my yearly April game burn out. I get burnt out on story-driven games between like April and September every year, almost without fail. I'm not sure why. I've only beat 3 games since March and have put easily 100 more hours into The Sims.
  12. The only source we have so far says she got at least $40 million (I think she initially sued for $80m). How accurate that is, who can say. Point still stands, the issue of that lawsuit was streaming revenue, and Disney was willing to pay hand over fist to make it go away. Like riley said, either they aren't making as much from streaming as they say they are and they're lying to their investors, or they're making far more than they claim so they can lie to their workers. Either way, they're lying to someone and that case going to trial would have exposed it. It should be noted that at the time of the Scarlett Johansson settlement (September of 2021), Disney's stock price was coasting at an all-time high of around $180, so it is possibly more accurate that they *weren't* making as much as they said they were and they wanted to keep that stock price afloat.
  13. I've been shouting from the mountain tops for a while, it says a lot that Disney was willing to do anything to keep the ScarJo lawsuit from going to trial. Why? Because if it went to trial, Disney would have been forced to publicly disclose all of their streaming revenue. Paying ScarJo $50 million (or whatever it ended up being) just to shut her up was worth it to them. As you say, they're purposefully obfuscating their streaming revenue. I feel like the whole "AI is going to take our jobs" thing is just a smoke screen. The real issue is streaming revenue. They don't want you to know how much it is and where it goes.
  14. I hate when you know you're going to have to poop, but you know it'll be a while before you're able to, so you try to poop before you leave the house but you can't. Then, as soon as you leave the house your butthole goes into Defcon 1.
  15. Never was a smash mouth fan, but I remember he got kicked out of the band a couple years or so ago after that clip of him stumbling around on stage and insulting people went viral. Unfortunately, for most of us normal folk with addiction issues, losing our job because of it might make us go "oh shit, maybe I need to rethink some things..." For someone like him who's rich, it can just push them into a deeper hole. Not sure if that's what happened in this case, but it happens all the time to musicians.
  16. In Oregon, employers don't have to pay extra on holidays. Some do anyway, especially in retail, but it's not required.
  17. .... A holiday that, ironically, is almost exclusively a holiday reserved for people who don't actually perform any kind of manual labor.
  18. An old roommate of mine was a swifty. I swear it was almost like a cult. I rarely heard her listen to anything other than Taylor Swift. She would gladly save up money for months to travel to one of her shows. And that's saying a lot considering she was a social worker who worked with homeless folks, so she didn't exactly make tons of money. Maybe it's because I'm not exactly the target demo for her music, but I don't know... I like a lot of pop music. I even really like Swift's more bubble-gummy pop stuff she did like 10 years ago. Over the last 5 or so years she's gone into this boring fucking indie pop shit that immediately puts me in a Kia commercial and I want to turn it off immediately. Point being, I like Taylor Swift. Not ironically, I think she has some great music. But I don't get the borderline cult following she has. As opposed to Beyonce... I legitimately do not like anything Beyonce has ever made except for like 3-4 songs. But, on the other hand, you can't argue with numbers. When you're the only person in the room who hates a piece of music, it's not everyone else who is wrong, it's you (not that anyone is "wrong," but you get my point)
  19. Every time I think of gilf porn I think of this one time dgh posted a link to this video where this granny had a dude ass fuck her because she ate too many prunes and needed to shit or something. I didn't wank to it, but I also couldn't turn it off. It's burned into my brain forever.
  20. I don't know, I just think of him as a typical Hollywood lifer who hasn't had to be a real person in a long time. I don't think he's a bad dude or anything. Of course you never know. An old friend of mine murdered his wife and I always thought he was a good dude, and I know much less about woody harrelson than I knew about him, so...
  21. I posted this in that other thread recently, but Gris. I was ugly crying throughout most of the last couple levels of the game. Which says a lot for a game with no dialog.
  22. You can improve health so much by simply walking places. Especially for older people. That's why it sucks when elderly folks can no longer drive if they live in a place where they're stranded without a car.
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