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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. Why is it that republicans in purple states are the most crazy? Like you don't hear about shit like that in Wyoming or wherever.
  2. Fuck all of them tbh. The only one I'm still iffy about is Louis CK. A lot of the stuff about him seemed more like he was abusing his position of power without realizing he was doing it. Like everything was technically consensual (if creepy), but it never occurred to him that people are afraid to say no to him, which inherently muddles the concept of consent itself. That's why most workplaces have rules that say you can't fuck your boss. Hollywood doesn't have traditional workplace structure, though, it's just a bunch of people that are afraid to say anything bad about people who have more power than them.
  3. They probably don't want their spouse seeing how much they spend on onlyfans
  4. I mean, sure, this might as well happen. To everyone saying he could have just stopped... We aren't wired like people like him. He can't stop. Nothing is ever enough. Think about like basically any billionaire. Why keep going when you've made enough money for 20-30 lifetimes by age 40? Why not just quit, ride off into the sunset and spend the rest of your days writing shitty romance novels on Bora Bora or whatever? Because the money is just ancillary. We need more Tom from Myspace people. He cashed in, made like 100 mil or whatever and just decided to spend the rest of his days banging models and taking mediocre photos of all the bitchin places he gets to travel to.
  5. I don't necessarily like IMDB ratings, but there really isn't a good critical metric of TV shows. Critics only generally rate individual seasons and there aren't even that many of them. I would love it if there were like a reliable rottentomatoes for TV, but there really isn't. I do also have metacritic in the spreadsheet, but only like 2/3 of the shows even have a rating, and a lot of them are only based on a small handful of reviews. I think both The Walking Dead and Supernatural have a lot of "it was really good but they should have wrapped that shit up 5 years ago" kind of energy. I've only seen a handful of episodes of TWD, but Supernatural was another one that was really good for like... 5 seasons. I think 5 seasons is about how long a show that doesn't have an endgame from the beginning should run. Fringe is a perfect example. By the end of season 4, it was getting really stale, then they got the news that season 5 would be it, so they went nuclear option and made the fifth season a miniseries set in an alternate future, and I thought it was brilliant. Grimm is another one that went about 3 seasons too long. It was decent for the first 3-4 seasons.
  6. Yeah, I literally know nothing about Wheel of Time. I do generally despise the "HUGGGHHH BUT IT'S NOT LIKE THE BOOKS, THOUGH" criticisms.
  7. I have an excuse in that I work in food service. There's a reason most of my clothes are black or a dark grey, and that's because 5 days out of the week they are getting really gross.
  8. I mean, I'm pretty sure wheel of time is angry book fans, which is to be expected. I haven't seen it yet, so I don't know for sure. Which are your favorite there?
  9. It was cancelled, but each season is kind of its own thing. Like, it does have an "ending." Both seasons kind of have an ending. So it's like it wasn't renewed, but it wasn't cancelled on a cliffhanger, either, which most shows that are cancelled usually are.
  10. I liked iron Man 3 a lot, but I'm one of the few that loved the Trevor Slattery twist and I generally love Shane Black's sense of humor. Killian was a shit villain, but that's par for the course in the MCU.
  11. You don't have one color scheme that you gravitate towards, or do you just wear color vomit every day?
  12. Even between Labor-Memorial day?! You monster!
  13. I've been on a big sci-fi/fantasy TV kick lately. It made me realize that there's probably a lot of things I've missed over the years. TV generally isn't my thing as my attention span sucks, but when I get sucked into something, I get really sucked in. So I made a spreadsheet, because that's just kind of what I do. There isn't any "comprehensive list of sci-fi/fantasy shows" in the internet, so I'm beginning to wonder if I missed things. I kind of had to put soft boundaries on it. No Marvel/DC shows, just because they're kind of their own separate category and they're all intertwined to greater or lesser degrees. Also no anime, because then the list would be like 90% anime. I also narrowed it to the last 20 years, because watching TV shows from before then with no nostalgia attached is like pulling teeth, at least for me. Also no animated comedies, because like... they're kind of all fantasy/sci-fi in some way? Same situation with anime, basically. Also no outright horror, because vibes. Even with all those limiting factors, there's still 130 series that fit in the last 20 years. Of those, 39 were cancelled, 2 were cancelled but got a movie, 42 are ongoing, and 47 had a conclusion. Sorted by IMDB rating: Cancelled Ongoing: Concluded:
  14. Like I imagine @Chris-has plenty of brightly colored polos. I personally have a lot of flannels in various degrees of grey and brown because I'm a northwest hipster and that's what we do, but I'd say 3/7 days of the week I'm pretty much head to toe in black, minus the shoes. So head to ankle in black. Especially true during the winter when I wear the one parka that I own every single day, which is black.
  15. I generally have A. Johnson/Buchanan as 1a/1b in terms of worst. Trump is one that we'll have to see over time. Generally it takes like at least 10 years for the full effect of an administration to take effect.
  16. Basically, Andrew Jackson is one of the few presidents where I can not think of a single thing he did that was a net positive. Not one thing. That puts him in rarified company in the "anti-Mount Rushmore" with Reagan, A. Johnson, and Buchanan. Every single other president has at least one redeeming quality. Even Wilson, who I unequivocally hate with every fiber of my being. Maybe Harding is also in that company, but he wasn't president for long enough to do that much damage.
  17. Personally, I think it's only because pre-guilded age Presidents aren't really ranked in terms of economic policy. Probably because it's hard to compare economics 200 years ago to economics today. Jackson's crusade against the National Bank frankly kneecapped the economy for a long time. Not that I'm saying the model of the national bank that existed at the time should still exist today, but Jackson basically made it his mission to dismantle everything Alexander Hamilton ever built, and he succeeded. Andrew Jackson is rightfully remembered for things like the Trail of Tears, but he set a very damaging economic policy that mostly stayed in tact for like... 60 years?
  18. Sure, but I'm not going to equate the Trail of Tears to "don't worry about it, it's a gay disease." One requires active agency, the other only requires willful ignorance. And Andrew Jackson was nothing if not an active agent in every single thing he did.
  19. I would put Andrew Jackson right up with Ronald Reagan in terms of kneecapping the American economy for decades to come. Plus Jackson made it a personal mission to make sure that there were no more natives east of the Appalachians. Like at least Ronald Reagan never actively encouraged genocide, even though he arguably did more lasting damage to the economy.
  20. I would hesitate to say "worst ever" when Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, and Andrew Johnson exist, but he's definitely down there in terms of basically no redeeming qualities. Even Woodrow Wilson had some good ideas.
  21. A full on shit-in-pants situation has only happened to me twice after childhood, but it has happened. No shame. It is what it is.
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