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Everything posted by DPCyric

  1. Audica is on sale for $20 I would recommend that and check the Rift store there are some cross-buy games there cheap that aren't on sale on the rift store. Dash Dash World isn't on sale but great for an 11 year old.
  2. The first one is in my top ten flawed masterpieces list so hopefully this one can improve upon it (better MC and controls please). I'm excited but hesitant it's been so long and the first had a story that seems hard to top.
  3. I feel ya, Ii might be in the same boat now... They places new restrictions in Indiana and I will probably make a third of what I did this week last year. However if finances aren't ruined this week there is supposed to be a big sale on the Quest store for Black Friday!
  4. Yeah I figured you guys are depraved enough that I can be myself around you 😋
  5. I'm mostly a lurker and I remembered you 😋 I think it's ok if you demonize the hardcore MAGA extremists just kinda avoided that thread. You need to keep posting here it's groups of people like us who need to change things in the world. Heated arguments are necessary so we can dig deep into our beliefs and convince others. Sometimes arguments will go off the rails, sometimes you will get trolled and sometimes it will feel like why should you even bother. However the people here are your friends and they either want you to agree with them or for you to convince them of your opinion. The far right will troll you and argue with you but it's all sinister and in the end they don't care about you.
  6. Nope, I know plenty of them that aren't religious... Trump is their God now. If Trump was moderately more competent he could be the Antichrist. His political defeat could be his mortal wound that he comes back from
  7. I'm basically considering them Muslim extremists that just have a different God.
  8. I hope RE4 on Quest is true I still haven't played it and that would be an immediate purchase for me!
  9. Easily the PS360 era Microsoft, Bethesda and Bioware were in much better shape that generation. This past generation PS4 has been firing on all cylinders but it's not made up for the poor output from the rest of the industry.
  10. I picked it up during the Halloween sale because I had an EGS coupon as well. Haven't got around to it yet but their games and this type of game is my jam.
  11. I did trick shooting growing up just never felt the need to own a gun as an adult. Personally I want an AR-10 or maybe a Ruger 10/22.
  12. Personally I would fight to protect the country from MAGA extremists but I doubt there is enough people on the left that would. I've seriously been considering purchasing a gun lately and I'm very concerned about where this country is heading. I don't think American Civil War 2 will be fighting our neighbors at least just a band of extremist militias that come together.
  13. Good fucking grief I couldn't help my self tweeted back the American people would be better off if he sits down and shuts up
  14. I believe by then enough people will see how much of a failure as a businessman he truly is will be damning as well. Hopefully in the next 4 years we can educate people to the dangers of the extremist cult Trump has spawned.
  15. LG C9 65" I went from playing Bloodstained and Sundered on an old 55 inch 1080p Sony Bravia to this... It's amazing how much of a difference it made even on those type of games!
  16. The Secret Service is already protecting Biden and Harris plus the military has put a no fly zone over Biden's house. If Trump does hold onto power surely some disgruntled Secret Service agent will put him out after delivering too much fast food 😂 Joking aside I still think if things progress too far Pence will 25th the orange fuck and claim to be a hero of the democracy.
  17. I know we have a lot of new VR users here and even the $1 tier in this bundle is fantastic! Humble Fall VR Bundle WWW.HUMBLEBUNDLE.COM Grab your headset and hand sensors! Pay what you want for awesome VR games worth over $200 and support Movember, or a charity of your choice! Some of these games do have Quest native versions but for the price might as well get the superior option if your into them.
  18. It's the most disappointing game that I played however the Kinect only Steel Battalion sequel is up there in disappointments
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