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Everything posted by DPCyric

  1. No Sony totally mismanaged the Vita they put it out there and never talked about it after launch I remember several big events the first year it was out where they barely acknowledged it's existence.
  2. Yes they left the market the day they released the Vita didn't talk about it again after that...
  3. Wen moon? Lol it looks like fun and your description helps sell it.
  4. This is a damn good list! I would have chosen Terra (OP spelled her name wrong) as an SE rep but Y'shtola is cool.
  5. Us as well as he eventually hands them down to us
  6. Looks like my type of show when I end up with Apple TV somehow I will give it a go.
  7. Same here I really don't like a lot of things that they eat so I love to have them around (plus they are cute).
  8. She pulls off total badass like few people do on screen Fierce like a tiger
  9. For gaming Diablo 2 could have used NFT's for loot so there couldn't be dupes and you could verify your transactions (would have fixed the issue with Diablo 3), I've seen a purse company that are doing qwerty codes they are registering on the block chain to stop counterfeits, concert tickets with a smart contract that have a tax if you sell them to thwart scalpers, albums that every sell has a tax that goes back to the artists. There is an NFT bubble that is going to pop most of it was money laundering and it is good there are laws now stopping that (same was done with art before laws was put in place) however there are still many interesting use cases for them. Also proof of stake blockchains like Algorand that are carbon neutral are becoming hot places to mint NFT's. I know several people in third world countries using play to earn games to put food on the table including several who lost their jobs to the coronavirus pandemic I hate all this disinformation when I see plenty of good things coming out of this. The market will change dump shit like minting NFT's on Etherium will go away (in fact they have partnered with Cardano so you can mint NFT's on their platform and migrate them to reduce processing power ahead of ETH 2.0) and over inflated priced stuff will die.
  10. LOL, what an ill informed moron. Destruction of the planet... sure if you mint them on ETH but seriously you can say the same thing about many things that people are just fine with. I don't understand how he thinks it exploits the creators when it empowers them and yes there are scams out there but seriously just don't buy scams. Plenty of good uses for NFT's and a lot of ignorance about them out there.
  11. Don't let this sensational media fool you there are several block chains that don't require the computational power that BTC or ETH require (also ETH 2.0 won't be resource intensive). Also there is a large amount of people in poorer nations able to put food on their plates because of P2E games. It's not all a pyramid scheme destroying the environment.
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