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Everything posted by DPCyric

  1. TLDR account is negative $86 right now, S.O. had surgery and is off work my job isn't giving me hours right now. I should have asked for help a while ago but it all felt pretty hopeless until now (got hired yesterday for a full time job that starts Monday). I know it's tight for everyone with the holidays but we are at the barely eating point and in way over our heads. Now for the rant because I just need to let off some steam 🤬 Everything has been hard since I broke my hip last year but I didn't expect this year to be so bad. My car got repossessed last year (from being off work for half the year) and I had to trade my nice LG OLED in for my step brothers 20 year old Impala. This thing is a gas hog so I could no longer make money doing Door Dash/Uber on the side and my full time job lost a lot of business. I also was just not able to do my full time well anymore missing a lot of work due to crippling pain (I've long had a bad nerve in my left foot but it was manageable once I broke my right hip I started putting more weight on my left foot that was a no go). I had another job starting in August and left my job and was supposed to get a nice big check a within a week of leaving. Due to mismanagement on someone's part that check didn't arrive until a month after I left... in that time one of the dogs got hit and had extremely bad road rash (no broken bones miraculously). That was a lot of money... then my favorite cat got sick and I was panicking about money... I finally got my check and took her to the vet. That night my dad almost died from a freak accident at work (a grinding wheel broke he was using and cut his neck open took over 300 stitches to patch him up). The next morning my cat died and I blame myself and have been deeply depressed ever since. Even just typing it out now puts me in tears she was such a shining light in my life and I failed her. August my new job starts it is a MUCH needed distraction and things started out well... Within a couple weeks that wasn't the case the company really mismanaged things and I didn't make the money I should have. Around this time my lawsuit from breaking my hip last year the defense finally got a lawyer (they were playing bullshit games sending us to different people over and over again in their company to stall). Their lawyer asked for 30 days to go over the case and the court granted them that. September my Grandmother gets diagnosed with cancer and my Grandfather dies 😑 They raised me the first few years of my life and have always been a very important part of it (we got together on basically a weekly basis). Some good news here though the cancer treatment seems to have went well I think she will be ok. I also got a new job during this time and it started out pretty ok. November the new company I was working for hired a bunch of people and some people from other locations moved around my hours got cut so people could be trained. Then I was told I would be getting more hours but two weeks ago I wasn't scheduled at all but got called in two days. I complained they told me I would get at least 4 days during the week because they had someone who wanted to switch jobs. Last week no scheduled days but they asked me to come in once. This week one scheduled day. Yesterday I had a job interview seen a company close to home put a sign out they were hiring. I actually put my application in a few weeks ago but the guy handling interviews was on vacation. Then the first half of this week he was sick and I was losing hope on this really needed to start something else sooner. Not only that but I also had concerns about how long I can stand a day (around 3-4 hours but I did mention that on my application). Thursday though they asked if I was still interested and scheduled my interview for Friday. Interview seemed to go well he said he would talk to the Shipping manager and get back with me Monday because she said she needed some help. I was hoping to find out for sure there I don't like getting my hopes up much anymore (I'm generally too optimistic) and I headed to the gym to soak in the hot tub (about the best pain management for me I can't take pain killers even low doses make me extremely tired). As I pulled into the parking lot I got a phone call it was the person who just interviewed me and he told me there is actually another job someone is leaving in a few weeks that is even more sit down hours than the other that he would like me to start Monday! Oh, I intended to circle back to my lawsuit I went through discovery with the defense lawyer. I turned mine in on time his was due back a month ago he hasn't asked for an extension and if I had that I could at least apply for a loan on my settlement 🙄 However on top of that the company is now claiming they aren't liable for it. So I fell on the ice at night in a driveway to a house. The house is owned by a company and their workers stay there when they work for the company. Now the 3 workers that live there have lawyers, the company that owns the place has one, the insurance company has one and the HOA has one and all of them are denying liability pointing their fingers at each other 🤬 It's going to be a long time before this is settled and I can get back on my feet completely 😑 Thanks for listening to me rant and if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. Yup since I broke my right hip last year my left foot which already had a bad nerve from where I fractured it running is just miserable to deal with after any extended amount of standing.
  3. Absolutely Ferrell seemed menacing Depp just cooky the twist didn't work.
  4. At this point I'm starting to wonder if the Zero-Covid policy along with their shitty vaccines will destroy them as a world power. Pooh won't give up on this because then he will look like a failure so they will ride this policy all the way down.
  5. I recently got it in a bundle or something gonna do Persona 4 then it probably.
  6. Yeah competitive multiplayer would really mess my list up LoL, MTG Arena, Duelyst, Rainbow Six 3/Black Arrow and fighting games I also avoided traditional high score games like Geometry Wars. A lot of my list was focused on how I felt when I first played it, how many times have I replayed it and would I still do another playthrough today.
  7. I see a lot of similar tastes to mine that lis The Witcher 3 I really need to play that one. I also should really work Gravity Rush into my list
  8. Seeing some great picks in here my list is purely single player games I can't wrap my head around a list that includes fighting games or shooters I love. 1. Castlevania: SotN 2. Final Fantasy VI 3. Super Metroid 4. Persona 3 FES 5. Ninja Gaiden Black 6. Final Fantasy Tactics 7. Horizon Zero Dawn 8. Stellaris 9. Steel Battalion 10. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance Honorable Mention: Rez Infinite @silentbob Burnout 2 and 3 are hard for me to pick between.
  9. Every culture has access to weapons of mass death. Do your research worldwide there are mass stabbings, bombings, arsons, a fucking bow and arrow killing spree, vehicular rampage, acid attacks and whatever other sick ways crazy fucks come up with. What they don't have is one party who worships gun and encourages hate in their children for people not like them and extreme easy of access to weapons for the youth. If there was a combination of stricter gun laws towards people under the age of 25, better mental health awarness/care and a party that wasn't completely fucking toxic to the other half of the country we wouldn't have these issues. If we banned guns I doubt we would see less mass murders just more creative ones. However I do think if guns were banned we would see a reduction in regular murders. Hell in the small city I grew up in over the past few years there has been a stabbing that left two dead and two critically injured, a hijacking of a construction vehicle used to run over cars and through houses and other dumb non-gun related shit.
  10. I liked what I played of the demo but it's not something I would play through unfortunately.
  11. I really like the looks of that one if you decide you don't want it feel free to ship it my way
  12. Well it won't matter that you can't imagine it when you are dead. I hope there is something after this I have someone that I want to reunite with but if there isn't anything then it doesn't matter anyway. I doubt there is anything and just expect my body to be food for the worms/energy for new life which doesn't seem all that bad.
  13. Local Republican Calls Cops on 9-Year-Old Black Girl Catching Lanternflies WWW.THEDAILYBEAST.COM “I don’t know what the hell she’s doing; it scares me though,” Lawshe told police, according to a recording of the call relayed by the girl’s mother.
  14. I used to want immortality and I would take a cyborg ninja body given the opportunity but honestly I want to find out what is after this as well As for how things have changed I've generally gotten less lonely and down as I've gotten older but more angry and rebellious I had my industrial/grunge phase but for nearly the past decade I've been in my very angry metal phase
  15. Nah, he looked at the books and said nope CZ/Binance is one of the few legitimate companies in the industry (Algorand is pretty good too) and it would have been good for business if bailing them out made sense.
  16. Denis Dyack 😑 Should of just stuck with Unreal Engine so I could have my 2 Human and Too Human 3 😭
  17. Deadspace Remake Duelyst 2 Hallow Knight 2 Redfall Starfield Street Fighter 6 Probably a lot of metroidvanias that are supposed to release this year getting pushed into next that I will want too.
  18. Some of my Iranian friends hopes the U.S. puts some major sanctions on Iran they think the government is weak enough to be overthrown now.
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