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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I hadn't seen this posted yet. It looks like we're getting a Smash Bros focused Direct tomorrow morning... It has to be new characters, right? The only other thing that would warrant a full Direct would be if they were bringing some sort of story mode to the game. Not necessarily something like Subspace Emissary, but something a little more hefty for players going through it alone. Or Waluigi. He deserves his own Direct.
  2. The size of his user base and how many of them find themselves among mainstream conservatives. Facebook and YouTube, Facebook especially, have been tripping over themselves to not come across as partisan one way or the other. The issue is that the most mainstream of these sites like Infowars are primarily right-wing. Swatting them all down as they should have ages ago would come across as right-wing targeting, so they've avoided doing just that. Also, the ad revenue doesn't hurt. That's just emboldened these guys and, as a result, they've cranked their rhetoric up passed 11. Since then, the social media giants have just been sitting on their thumbs waiting for someone to make a move so the rest can follow along and that's what's happening here.
  3. Written like someone trying to convince us he's not going to kill us all.
  4. Finally got my first advanced class when I took down the archmage. I probably could have done that a lot earlier, but I think I prefer being a bit stronger than the bosses rather than killing myself with them. I thought I could make then go on to take down the warbringer, but that wasn't happening. Toward the end of the fight, she'll have five attacks per turn and it just wrecks me. I could probably survive long enough to break her if I equipped everyone with Saving Grace, so I'll try that later. First, I'll tackle the other bosses first; after which I'll move on to everyone's chapter fours.
  5. Easy way to get it closed down would be to flood them with requests from mosques. Once even a tenth of the money going into this program goes into defending Muslims, it will be shut down.
  6. You don't need to be, it's just a lot harder if you aren't. Enemies and bosses do not scale with you, so if a chapter recommends you be at level 20, the boss isn't going to go easy on you because you aren't there yet. That said, you don't have to keep everyone leveled up. I just dragged level 30 Primrose through her level 40 chapter without any issue because the rest of the party was at level 55. That was a bit exaggerated, but the same applies for everyone else MINUS H'aanit and Olberic. Since those two can challenge people to fights, you'll likely find yourself challenging people in their respective stories. As a result, those two really should be at the recommended level for their story. You could probably skate by with H'aanit if you managed to nab a beast a lot stronger than her. Olberic, though, will have a really hard time on some of his 1 on 1 fights. Nobody here is really saving the world. For the most part, these are all pretty personal stories. Yeah, it's sort of an 8 in 1 kind of game, by JRPG standards. The only difficult part about trying to beeline through a single character's story is making sure everyone is strong enough. If you can manage that, then there's really no issue there. The game is sort of designed in such a way that if you do all of chapter one and then all of chapter two and so on, you won't really find yourself having to grind for a few levels. That's especially true if you give every character a chance and swap party members out pretty regularly. I don't really care about doing any of that, so I have three juggernauts that drag the rest of the team around when they need it. When someone is pretty low level, I just run into one of those option level 50 dungeons and quickly grind up. When the rest of the team is around level 50 and Primrose is level 15, it's quick and easy to level her up when I'm fighting level 50 enemies.
  7. This game also isn't that confusing. Every time you start a new chapter with any of the characters, there's a brief recap of the previous chapters. Gameplay is also pretty straight forward and easy to keep a hold of. Octopath Traveler has a great battle system with a good amount of depth, but it's also pretty straight forward. This isn't Mother 3 having you attack enemies to the beat of the music or Chrono Cross that has you keeping track field colors and matching those up with musical notes. Jobs are pretty easy to keep straight and you aren't committing yourself to any roles you put on characters. You can change them at any point you want. Everyone is also going to have a completely different set of characters they like traveling with. You'll see people talking about ideal lineups based on stats and whatnot, but that's completely unnecessary. Just grab the characters you like best. I like traveling with Therion, Tressa, Ophelia, and Cyrus. There are eight characters to choose from. Everyone has their own personal preference. Hell, my party came about because I recruited the characters in one order and then decided I didn't really care for the Pokemon-like beast capturing aspect of H'aanit. Some people love it. Just not for me. Some people are spending quite a bit of time with Alfyn's ability to concoct elixirs and attacks, but I'm already up to level 55 and never found a need for any of it. This game is only as complicated as you really want to make it out to be.
  8. Learn Evil Ward, the third passive skill for clerics, and Evasive Maneuvers, the first passive skill for scholars. From there, run through the scary areas that are a good deal higher level than your own. Fight using every magic item you have or just straight up run away as often as you can. Look at the world map for towns you've never been to. It doesn't have to look pretty. Just make your way to those towns. Once there, steal everything. What you're really trying to steal are weapons and armor and accessories of a higher level than anything you can buy if you follow the storyline. All the best weapons and armor are going to be items you either steal, buy off a random NPC, or find in an optional dungeon.
  9. How will we pay for something that's cheaper than what we're currently spending? If we as a people are already spending this money, why not use it more wisely?
  10. My wife's aunt was beaten by a group of six people at a party. When the cops were called, they jumped in a car and drove over her, killing her. Multiple witnesses, all cooperating. After many months, they arrested only one of the girls involved. This was in spite of the driver of one of those cars leading the police on a chase and crashing into a house. Half a year later, the one girl was let go, and the driver of the car was never arrested. The guy driving the car was on Facebook threatening to kill anyone that spoke, on a public profile. None of it mattered. The police dropped it and left it as a case of self defense for the six on one. Even the guy that drove over her, lead the police on a chase, crashed into a house, and broke into a hotel to hide was never arrested. So yeah... This is all anecdotal, but that's quite a lot happening for police to just up and throw out a case. I highly doubt the case would have been dropped if it weren't a murder involving a bunch of Hispanics at a party.
  11. Secondary jobs are a must. You're just giving up free stat boosts without them. Also, the passive skills you learn remain even without the second job being active. Everyone on my squad is part merchant just for the half SP perk. As for those skills, they level up with your character, but there are also random NPCs you can scrutinize that will give these skills a boost.
  12. Much better version of the Aquaman trailer...
  13. Right now I have Therion as a high attack, high HP fighter; Ophelia as a high defense, healing tank; and Cyrus as the destroyer of worlds. I use the fourth spot for whatever story character I need, but I usually travel around with Tressa just to buy stuff I can't steal.
  14. This. That's pretty much all I did. I made a beeline for each character to recruit. Also, Ophelia and Cyrus are two of the most useful characters to have. My Cyrus is a crazed killer and Ophelia is a healing tank.
  15. Cyrus and Ophelia will help. Cyrus's first passive skill will lower the encounter rate. Ophelia's third passive skill will make it easier to run away. Also, steal...Steal everything. Those consumable magic items are completely independent of your characters elemental attack power. A medium level item will one hit kill many enemies under level 20. Do that once or twice and you'll find yourself leveling up pretty quick.
  16. Don't be afraid to use up all your items exploring areas that are a higher level than you are. I was sneaking through 45 areas when I was still around level 25. It just involved a lot of magic items and running away. Totally worth it for the high level gear I could steal from whatever towns I found in those areas.
  17. That conservative woman didn't changed her mind. She was talking about how if she didn't know any better, it would be easy to be convinced for the thing she listed. However, she's good and smart, and knows those things aren't good in spite of how good they sound on the surface.
  18. Let's also note that Gunn isn't a kid or some young guy that was posting this shit. We aren't talking about someone digging up some stupid stuff a teenager posted on Twitter while in high school. Gunn is in his 50s. These were off color jokes by a guy in his 40s. That's well past the age where he should know better. At a minimum, he should have just deleted all of this stuff when he apologized. There's no need to open yourself up to that kind of scrutiny down the road. This was a grown man bringing these problems upon himself.
  19. I find leveling up weaker characters is easier when you have a few really strong characters. I just head over to some level 45 or 50 zone and put Ophelia on keep alive duty. Also, since the game doesn't artificially prevent you from going nearly anywhere, I was wandering around those level 45 zones when I was still in my low 20s. That's it much where I spent all my items. Screw saving those for bosses. Also, stealing high level weapons and armor made that but easier with every town.
  20. So I completely forgot Alfyn is a person in this game. My main cast of characters are all around level 40 with the less often used down in their mid-20s. Alfyn is down at 8. I guess I'm up for some grinding to get him up to speed before jumping into his second chapter.
  21. Balloon Fight would be perfect on mobile. Tap on the right side of the screen to float up and right, tap on the left side to go up and left. No need for anything more complicated than that. Would work perfectly and they can just keep the NES sprites. Thinking about it, that just sounds like a more interesting Flappy Bird with more than one direction to travel in. Yeah, that could work.
  22. In this specific case, we're talking about people complaining that the lead in a series designed to sell toys to little girls isn't sexy enough. Just because a cartoon might be designed to sell toys doesn't mean it can't also be good. In this instance, it's just insane that we know nothing about the actual story. Hell, we don't even have a trailer yet. Literally, the only thing anyone has anything to go on are some screenshots. To complain about the integrity of the character designs in a series that gave us Bow is insanity. Like, I'm half certain most of the characters in the series were designed to just allow Mattel to reuse old Barbie and He-Man molds with sight tweaks. Any character design without those restraints is going to be an upgrade.
  23. As for the design, I think it's fine. She Ra was supposed to be He Man, but for girls. If this reboot is supposed to target the same demographic, this style works perfectly fine. Honestly, I have two daughters, and I wouldn't want a cartoon aimed at them to star someone that's supposed to be sexy. That all aside, I do find the idea of complaining about the integrity of a series created with the specific goal of selling little girls themed dolls to be hilarious.
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