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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. Maybe help him in the primary. But I think there are lots of Haley voters who are going to be Biden voters so the numbers are informative in that sense.
  2. Y’all are lucky you get to just check a box. In about an hour I’m going to be on the receiving end of some of the nastiest screed from a gaggle of Trump cultists.
  3. It's probably for the best to be honest. Since Republicans don't participate in good faith, the same reasoning would be used to remove [insert Democratic candidate here] from the ballot for the [insert political race here] in every GOP state.
  4. No more option to vote early in Utah. They changed the presidential primary and only that to an in-person only caucus just for Trump.
  5. Super Tuesday tomorrow. I have to go stand in a room with a bunch of Trumpists and pretend I like Nikki Haley. Kill me now.
  6. Can’t possibly live up to expectations. I’ll be there on day one to be disappointed though.
  7. So they're getting $60 million from letting some AI thing scrape their site. I can't imagine the ad revenue is worth the other $6.44 billion.
  8. What’s your server hardware like? I finally have a dedicated machine for mine by getting an old desktop for free just last year.
  9. Brilliant. I was actually trying to link a reply to Jason’s BlueSky thread but iPhone isn’t copying the link to the post from the app for whatever reason.
  10. A huge chunk of agricultural farmers here in Utah export their harvests. Not just out of the state. But out of the country and across the Pacific. So I absolutely want to pick on the farmers. Or buy them out. Or cover the costs of them relocating plus a little bonus for their troubles. Or whatever it takes to get them to stop farming here. We live in a desert. We import pretty much all of our food anyways. Chinese cows will just need to get their feed from somewhere else. It feels weird complaining about a high-efficiency, desert resilient plant like alfalfa. But .2% of the state's GDP cannot be taking up to three quarters of our water every year when we're in a decades long drought. The Great Salt Lake is economically important, and we'd be having a different conversation if it drying up was just ending up an economic wash (which it would be). But the environmental effects will be disastrous even to these farmers and we can't do the typical conservative "it's not a problem unless it happens to me" waiting game with stuff like this.
  11. Quoting a portion of your quote @Commissar SFLUFAN For the most part, this is not correct. Farmers here do NOT understand (or at a minimum do not care about) this. They use every last drop of water they are legally allowed to so that they don't get their allotment cut for the next season. Some laws are trying to change this. But they gotta feed the thirsty alfalfa plant and ship it off to Chinese cows. Our governor was an alfalfa farmer. He is very legitimately concerned about water usage.
  12. Well, two years later we got more snow than we had in like forty years or something. And the GSL went above its 2022 low. Checkmate atheists.
  13. Came in here to say that I cannot believe that I think it would be better if he stayed on in the current climate. The fact that Mitch fucking McConnell is one of the "good" (using that term extremely loosely) Republicans is just a fucking nightmare.
  14. I don't give patronage to businesses with surge pricing. But if one ever came around that did dynamic decline pricing in a similar manner I'd start throwing money at them.
  15. The case for 4K Blu-ray in a world of streaming - The Verge WWW.THEVERGE.COM Where quality and ownership are king.
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