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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. I'm liking the be prepared for Halo arguments tbh. I'll probably hit that next. I loved loved loved the first Halo Wars. I remember starting the second one but dropped off when I started traveling a bunch for work.
  2. Even still, though, there are things I just want to play on an Xbox. Call of Duty doesn't feel right on anything but. Neither does Halo. Pretty much any racing game I'm going to prefer on the Xbox too. Call me crazy if you wish ;P
  3. At my last place I did this. But in my current house this would require running cables through walls I don't want to tear into. I'm not buying all the components of another tower either. Too much money.
  4. I have a relatively nice gaming PC (it's in need of an update tbh), but I still love playing on my Xbox that's connected to my nice TV and nice sound system in front of my couch. Plus there are some games that just feel more at home on a console to me despite the performance difference.
  5. I've been going through my backlog. I just finished Just Cause 3. It was really good and I didn't experience a lot of the bugs many people talk about. I want to play equally the next items in my backlog, but I told myself I'm only going to focus on one game at a time. Thoughts and opinions please. Assassin's Creed: Origins Middle Earth: Shadow of War Halo Wars 2
  6. The weird thing about it is that the hard part is represented in the downward slope so when he's saying the hard part was climbing the mountain it's a little weird. Really awkward comparison.
  7. If nothing else Halo 4 and Halo 5 are pretty to look at. They have a couple of epic moments too that are fitting for the series. And I enjoyed 5's MP for quite a length of time. I'm excited for this one because the scuttle seems to be that 343i is "listening to the fans" this time around. Though that always has mixed results.
  8. Same. But like once every few months I'll crave one for whatever reason and I drink it and enjoy it. But then I'm good for a few months again.
  9. I don't know if the Dixie Chicks were marketing themselves to that demographic. They used to be pretty outspoken anti-Bush.
  10. My sister is a nurse in the greater Seattle area. She has contracted it twice. I was tested but have not contracted as of yet.
  11. You don't even need makeup to do Karl Malone. Just wear a cowboy hat and drive a big rig and talk about car dealerships. He's like the redneck-est black man ever.
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