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Everything posted by Chairslinger

  1. Saudi Arabia should have known they couldn't get away with stuff like this when they faced such harsh consequences for Saudi connections to 9/11!
  2. Maybe Trump fired her because she didn't respond to people laughing at him by challenging them to a battle to the death for her master's honor.
  3. Seems like a good trailer, but I was not a fan of season 1. It would be nice to think Discovery could pull the TNG/DS9/Enterprise trick of having a rough first season or two and then blossoming into an amazing series. But I worry that the problems with Discoery are too structural. I worry that, like a drug addict, the first step is to admit you have a problem and the show runners refuse to look at it that way.
  4. Yeah, I don't know how much Kal has actually read in the series, but your summary is more in line with how the vast majority of the WoT community feels, so don't worry too much, @GeneticBlueprint Personally my favorite is The Shadow Rising(book 4) but my impression is that The Lord of Chaos(book 6) edges it out as the fan favorite of the series. I have found that A Crown of Swords(book 7) often gets lumped in with 8-10 as the low point in the series. But I maintain that is more a result of its positioning then actual quality. It is a step down from LoC, but not deserving of being lumped in with other books, and people who are down on the series to begin with seem to find it convenient to throw in one more book in the bad category. I also agree with you about 8 and 9. I think 9 is a good book(that ending really saves it), but 8 remains my least favorite in the series even though I agree on rereads or first timers it's not that bad. Their maligning is largely due to having to wait years in between them, but I do think there is some valid criticism that Jordan indulged himself too much with world building in these books(like the Sea Folk). Also being a big Perrin fan, it is personally grating to start this slog just because it's when Jordan sets him to spinning his wheels in the mud(sometimes literally) Crossroads of Twilight(book 10) isn't even really that bad in terms of what happens, it's just not a real book. Jordan had obviously bitten off more than he could chew in terms of complexity, and wanting to get something out, we got the shortest novel in the series that only covered, like, two weeks of in-series time. The series Is long winded even in the best books, but it's worth keeping in mind that prophecy and plot twists are a huge part of the series and Jordan often lulls you into missing clues by burying them in exposition that, shall we say, entices you to skim. I think this is my favorite part of WoT. Nowadays every movie and show has a rabid fan base online where someone usually figures out what is going to happen. It's impressive just how many secrets Jordan was able to keep in his pocket considering the clues he put in the series.
  5. Jon Levett's podcast title this week sums up Collins pretty well; Bros before Roe. I hate how the media narrative seems to be leaning towards it being a mistake that the Dems even opened this can of worms. I don't know if this is your sentiment, as well, but it's annoying as hell to see the idea that just because some of the Republican base got energized this was a mistake. It was a fight worth having, and everyone just seems to be forgetting that the Senate was always a long shot this year, anyway. The Right is gloating like it was a fucking toss up to begin with
  6. It sucks, but liberals need to organize on this. Make them pay for every horrible, conservative opinion that comes out of this court. Trump was the wake up call liberals needed for things like off year elections. In a way, a few notable victories like Obergefell allowed us to be complacent to the vast majority of cases where Kennedy sided with the conservatives that effect us all, but often in indirect ways that aren't easy to see in our every day lives. The Kavanaugh court needs to be the same kind of wake up call that Trump's election was, but for the importance of the court and voting for Dems, no matter what. If you find yourself sometimes not getting excited about the lesser of too evils, get excited real fucking quick. Because the next seat is probably Ruth's.
  7. It seems like a waste of time to cgi Trump doing something embarrassing. Give him a minute, and he'll give you all the material you need.
  8. After the FBI investigation I became slightly less confident Murkowski would be a no because she seemed to be treating it as adequate cover like Collins and Flake. But this is the vote before the final vote, right? If Collins goes no, couldn't Manchin still switch for the final vote if it becomes clear he is the deciding vote? How fucking tragic if both female GOPers swing no, and Kavanaugh still gets confirmed thanks to one defecting Democratic man. That would look both morally wrong and be horrible for the party in November. With one vote, totally kill the impression that one party is for women and the other isn't.
  9. I don't think it was even the biggest news item of the day.
  10. Forgive my ignorance, but in what way did he carry 60 out of 100 Senate seats?
  11. I am reminded of Diocletian's Tetrarchy. In this scenario are you venting some of the built up steam in our contentious political system. Or are you just dividing the country into 4-8 autonomous chunks that feel no allegiance to one another essentially making a seeding chart for a Civil War elimination tournament?
  12. The unifying factor in there is Fox News and the rightwing media echo chamber. Every problem in the GOP has been magnified and then magnified again because they're all just locked in a Thunderdome of bad ideas where they smack each other and scream in each others faces to get amped about their next grievance du jour.
  13. The sad thing is this does not end with Trump. It's impossible to see where this goes after Trump, just as it was near impossible to see the rise of Trump. But the real problem is the right wing echo chamber. Whatever arises on the right will be as ugly, or even uglier if trends continue. That's the scary thought. To wonder how it can get uglier than Trump, but all signs point to that being true.
  14. Even with irrefutable evidence, I don't think you would get enough Republican support if Dems control the Senate and/or White House. They would probably play the same game Trump does now. His accusers were known during the election, so the very fact that he won is a stamp of legitimacy.
  15. I didn't have high hopes for this whole process to begin with, but what depresses me here in the big picture may be how the GOP men are tipping their hand of how they will be moving foward. They aren't going to be magnanimous, let alone remorseful. They are going to be gloating, dismissive, and likely more and more pushing an all out narrative of Ford being Nutty and Slutty going forward.
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