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Everything posted by Chairslinger

  1. Every twisted fiction Stephen King has ever dreamt up and set in a Maine town could be visited upon them for real and it still would not atone for giving us Paul "where are da white women at" LePage.
  2. Keep in mind an obstensively less conservative SCOTUS just recently ruled that Karematsu was cool as long as you were subtle about it. And then nuked Abood outright. So I wouldn't count on a Truman era precedent if it gets in the way of God Emperor Trump's whims.
  3. If Trump can convince you that's a wall, he can probably also trick you into painting it for free.
  4. I don't see that happening, but I think it would be both hilarious and shrewd if Dems on the other side slipped in little comments like, "Situations like this will be so much easier to resolve when you take over, Mike." Leak the comments to the press, and watch while the WH tears itself apart with the fierceness of Trump's side eye.
  5. It'll make a nice dry run for cancelling the 2020 elections because of national security concerns over millions of illegal voters.
  6. If this were any other politician that alone would be a Romney 47% moment. As it is, no one will remember he said it by Monday.
  7. My defense against wasting my time analyzing his Tweets now is just to imagine this gif whenever I read something he says....
  8. That is not even to mention the pay freeze Trump greenlit for 2019 that doesn't have anything to do with the shutdown.
  9. Posting that video of her in high school definitely has a "Fox News segment where dads disapprove of skimpy outfits on models" feel to it.
  10. It would be more accurate to call them apes......oh wait, this story is about actual monkeys and not just Floridians.
  11. There's no question Trump looks like Ernie McCracken before his staff performs a Darth Vadarian scene of constructing his hair helmet each morning.
  12. That tends to be the problem. The GOP takes a hostage and they immediately have the advantage because they don't care if they kill the hostage. The opportunity here is that Trump, through his incompetence, has dealt the Dems an unusually strong opening hand despite that inherently uneven playing field. With the "I will take the mantle" soundbyte in one hand, and Trump's demand being something fairly unpopular in the other the Dems need to stand strong and unwavering here imho. It has the potential to hurt Trump politically, but more importantly if they can't win with this hand, then they might as well not even put up a fight when it comes to the budget. If they can't "win" this one, then the GOP will just continue to play hardball and get whatever they want.
  13. Which is especially important in the age of Trump where scandals constantly get swallowed by the next scandal. I definitely want the Dems to release the tax returns, but I'll give them some time to get it done.
  14. Gorilla, Bobby, and Mean Gene all dead now They were the three greats prior to JR and King.
  15. Decided to start the year with some fun, short books. Finished Animal Farm today and started The Time Machine.
  16. Dems need to take a page out of the Republicans book and attack Trump from the right on the wall. I've heard only one pundit make this point, but it's a very good one; sometime in 2017 Trump's wall died. All this jockeying right now is just fighting over the scraps of its corpse. Trump right now is asking for a fraction of the cost of a wall(that Mexico was supposed to pay for). By 2020 you are looking at total gridlock of the election year. For all intents and purposes the wall is dead. Trump could have had something, instead he decided to fail at killing Obamacare and succeed at giving billionaires a tax break(not to mention the DACA deal).
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