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Captain Pickle

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Everything posted by Captain Pickle

  1. And it’s so refreshing. Since it went into effect my life has basically gone back to normal. I few restaurants and bar nights, couple raptors games. Before it I was doing nothing
  2. Hippy is just short for hypocrite (hippocrite). They are usually the worst type of people. The men are likely sexual predators and they are all moochers. I helped out a hippy by letting him stay at our house (planned for a month but 2 and a half later I kicked him out) and I came up with a saying for them. "su casa es mi casa!" I generally despise hippies.
  3. They are truly great breakfasts. But if eggs Benny is on the menu, don’t even bother reading me the rest of the options.
  4. I get that but I’m Toronto the majority of us wear a mask. You have to be vaccinated to to anything other than shop. Gyms were granted exemption from masks only when working out so I’m following the rules.
  5. Good job man. Too bad you can’t sell Star Trek ones online. Those would sell like hotcakes!
  6. Hmm, I don’t wear a mask in the gym when working out. I put it on at all times until I’m working out though. I don’t think we have to. I am a bit worried about it
  7. This! Science was fun before it was hard. My grade 3 teacher was a fun science teacher. I always remember building boats out of foil and we would put pennies in them until they sunk to learn about some shit, I dunno what
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