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Everything posted by Anathema-

  1. 2400 tweets per day sounds reasonable but so do car doors that don't break when you open them.
  2. Here it's the pit and box but regular ticket price in the pit unless you're in the first row.
  3. Have you seen the pictures of the seats that have different pricing? Clearly made by nobody who goes to a real packed theater ever. Second and third rows more expensive than the first? Good luck selling any of those seats, dumbasses.
  4. The thing that's great about this movie is that it has all the same qualities as the food being presented. That would easily be brilliant if it didn't mean the film was beautifully empty and meaninglessly unable to connect with people or provide the thing it is they come to the table for. Still, I found it a compelling watch.
  5. charging for twitter api is definitely a part of how we create the super benevolent god AI
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