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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. ‘A generational shift’: war prompts Ukrainians to embrace their language | Ukraine | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Kremlin has banned Ukrainian from occupied territory schools but elsewhere language is on the rise
  2. Oh yeah, the Russian military is 100% using Wagner in this way. If Wagner succeeds, it's good for Russia but the PMC is drained. If Wagner fails...well, more power for the Russian army.
  3. I think people still play it because no one else has made an alternative that comes close for this type of game. And really, there is little incentive for anyone to try, at this point.
  4. Measles exposure at massive religious event in Kentucky spurs CDC alert ARSTECHNICA.COM Kentucky has one of the lowest vaccination rates among kindergartners in the country. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven
  5. I just don't get it. Is there value in taking out Russians at a 3:1 (or higher) ratio? Yes, perhaps, especially if it pins them down in an area you want them to be. But I'm not convince that ratio is being held, anymore. In places like Vuhledar the Ukrainians are absolutely crushing the Russians, but in Bakhmut the scales are much more even.
  6. Twitter can’t protect you from trolls any more, insiders say WWW.BBC.CO.UK Current and former employees of the company say there are serious ramifications from mass lay-offs.
  7. UK says Falklands are British as Argentina seeks new talks | AP News APNEWS.COM LONDON (AP) — Britain has reasserted its sovereignty over the Falkland Islands after Argentina pulled out of a cooperation agreement and demanded new talks over the South Atlantic territory that sparked a 1982 war between the two countries. As someone on resetera eloquently put it, "Don't these people realize that 80s nostalgia is over and 90s and 00s nostalgia is in?"
  8. Ukraine appears to be using homemade long-range drones to strike targets deep inside Russia, the past week or two. A crashed drone was found very close to an oil complex near Moscow (460+km inside Russia) last week, and then a few days ago there was a large explosion there (implying the second attempt hit). A few other explosions at air bases and other infrastructure in the last few days, as well.
  9. US has been providing resources for Ukraine to conduct wargames at a US base in Germany, specifically for the planned spring offensive. At U.S. Base in Germany, Ukraine’s Military Conducts War Games - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM The exercises come as Ukraine is emerging from a winter that was expected to offer a lull in fighting. Ukraine’s president appeared to signal recently that the country is preparing for a major offensive. Ukraine Military Holds Simulated War Exercises on U.S. Base WWW.WSJ.COM The weeklong wargames are being held in Germany
  10. Florida bill would require bloggers who write about governor to register with the state WWW.WFLA.COM Florida Sen. Jason Brodeur (R-Lake Mary) wants bloggers who write about Gov. Ron DeSantis, Attorney General Ashley Moody, and other members of the Florida executive cabinet or...
  11. I really wish studios would stop trying to milk movies with these companion TV shows that never end up as good (or just don't end up coming out).
  12. You know, I work in a Catholic school division (albeit, publicly funded with public curriculum) and we actually use a student's preferred name in our Active Directory (and thus, corresponding software and services), not their legal name. I think we've had some complaints, but it's our stance that if a student wants to be called something else (i.e. trans student), then go for it.
  13. The First EVs in USPS' All-Electric Fleet Will Come From Ford JALOPNIK.COM The USPS awarded Ford a contract that commits the agency to the purchase of 9,250 Ford E-Transit Vans. Interestingly, they have purchased the charging stations to install in 75 cities as part of their future-proofing for more vehicles:
  14. Just buy the Collector's Hat 2023 Edition™ from your local Disney Theme Park and the details are on the inside of the washing instructions label!
  15. Yeah, I don't know why they are continuing to defend unless they are very sure that they are extracting a much worse toll on Russia. But even if they are...Putin has shown he is willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands to taken 20% of Ukraine, so it's not worth it. Unless, perhaps, the goal is depleting certain gear...but even so, from the sounds of it, Bakhmut is basically just infantry storming again and again. It's Vuhledar where Russia is wasting gear:
  16. I've heard some negative impressions of the new armour system, with the implication that it's simplifying things again. Anyone know details? One comment was basically that Blizzard has decided to cede the "crown" of ARPG to Path of Exile, in terms of not improving on D3 in any meaningful way, in terms of crafting/economy/stats. Obviously D4 will sell amazingly, but it will be disappointing if they continue to dumb down the series. Oh, also apparently set items will not be in the game at launch, they will be included at a later date.
  17. Every morning Pete Buttigieg receives tomorrow's newspaper, and he chose not to act.
  18. I tried to get back into it yesterday, but couldn't. Gunplay is fine, but man the game is hard on the eyes. Way too much bloom, which of course can't be disabled. I also hate games that change the exposure based on where you are looking.
  19. Republicans introduce bill to eliminate Democratic Party affiliation in Florida - NBC2 News NBC-2.COM Florida Republicans have introduced a bill that would abolish the Democratic Party from operating in the state of Florida. It is called the "Ultimate Cancel Act," introduced Tuesday afternoon.
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