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Everything posted by 5timechamp

  1. damn thats a ton of systems in place.... If only the Wildlands team was as effective at generating content...or providing significant updates to their amazing map
  2. So the Mustang is an automatic, the front looks nice (to me at least), the knob was unexpected
  3. Getting taped in a week... plotting ways to slim the old belly/waistline..
  4. I hope the mysterio thing is misdirection on top of misdirection... stories where the audience knows a secret the main character does not are quite annoying and make the hero look "bad" .... Batman in Arkham Knight running himself in circles to decipher the identity of the Knight
  5. Its the best game in the "new" branded series of Mario games but that isnt a high bar to clear.... the reused assets is whats most annoying (that fortress/castle theme sucks).. though 164 levels is pretty good.. now HD up the Galaxy games and take my money..
  6. Hopefully its still set in the 80s and not in modern times.. i dont need to see Akeem tear gassed and put into a cage..though all the flower petals will make the detention center smell better
  7. Soooo... 50' wall with 20' underground.. Someone should show him Fast & Furious, seeing people driving cars across the border under tunnels will really piss him off..
  8. Tried it just in case of discovering something great... no dice, not bad
  9. Trump, will "cheat" his way to the funding.. then he will end the shutdown and take the mantle for heroism for not only securing us with his wall but also for reopening the gov't despite the Democrats... ..
  10. The Upside looks to be a very solid project from Hart.. Hart and Sandler are sufficiently talented but need a project and directors to dial them back and put their actual talent to use..(I really enjoy the Wedding Singer and most of 50 first dates) Now Kevin James and Schneider, yeah Definitely no talent there..
  11. Unless of course youre on the end of one of the "wrongs" that makes a "right"... Im sure some folks thought the attack on Reginald Denny was a justified "right" when balanced against a history of "wrongs"... All the same its not as if there will ever be real balance.. its frustrating above all things.. Hell, im sure some view R Kelly avoiding "justice" as a justified right because of the society whom we view as his potential jailers..
  12. I dont doubt this.. thats why the argument of quotas and affirmative action and all that crap is so frustrating.... All sides have the argument that they have to balance the bias BS from the other side.... then its a fight of what tribe u want to be loyal to? Black, white, gay, straight, rich, poor, male, female? Never truth or actual facts.... plus the current climate has malicious folks testing the limits of how much depravity we can get away with
  13. Its crazy that within a community its better to be loyal to a celeb from your race than to someone like yourself (economy wise) or your community... those girls were so young and they are right in saying time was the most helpful ally... if u wait 5 years u get a 19 year old on the stands instead of someone who is 14... its crazy that they even have a video on him yet its not enough (threw brother under bus)
  14. Hes free because he has fans who would rather defend him on the basis of race being the reason the false charges are made to oppress him, and because the legal game delayed the trials long enough for the information to be muddled
  15. R. Kelly is officially screwed... times have changed significantly...he will be punished for sure....will likely never get to host an award show of any kind.
  16. Even as I read most of this text I have the urging to go and do everything thats involves the Gerudo Valley....
  17. kinda makes me want to see the Hollywood version of this... just to see the design meet its full potential... As for Gamera, it irks me that the 3 Gamera movies from the 90s are significantly superior to the majority of all Godzilla movies (save the top 5 or so)..
  18. Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse 7.5/10... very well put together... As in Black Panther I got pulled in by the overwhelmingly positive hype and that it was a game changer... The other universe Spideys were unneeded but didnt truly affect the narrative. Miles is a great protagonist and more interplay between him and beer gut Peter would have been most welcome.
  19. I disliked the Wii port mainly because of just how good the aiming became with the Wiimotes.... to me it felt too accurate (im weird), the precision took some "suspense" out of the gunplay
  20. Batman v Superman was on TV yesterday...... my god is that Knightmare scene horrible... Im not even talking about its placement in the story or its context....its just a real shitty, fake action scene,... its shitty level is on par with the worst action moment seen in Nolans Bat films, worse even because action is a Snyder forte'
  21. For all its greatness and flaws I still only want 2 more simple changes to make BOTW even "better" -2 more enemy types: darknuts, and Iron Knuckles (even if it goes against Zelda rules that both shall not exist simultaneously in a game) -Blood Moon mechanic revision, dont make it a cutscene but part of actual night cycle.... sure repopulate the enemies on the map, but also make all enemies more challenging while the blood moon is in effect (make the night darker and their eyes glow for more effect)
  22. Through Hulu of all things..maybe that keeps the "edgy" humor? wasnt even aware of it... if it werent for the damn --Animaniacs react to Kids react to Animaniacs-- Rob Paulsen with the updated countries of the world song too.. The real conflict is if given the choice with Greg Wiseman...what would I choose between Young Justice, Spectacular Spiderman, and Gargoyles
  23. RIGHT!! Its on an endless rotation with Peter Pans and King Arthurs..
  24. Meh, mostly hated those "guest star" episodes.. -They got Carnage in great, but Iron man and War machine are along for the ride.. lame -Xmen guest episode was lame too -Secret Wars was ok.. The one I really did enjoy was Cpt America and Red Skull where Electro was revealed (never expected Electro to be an "ultimate" weapon)
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